Part 112

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Part 112

Sean's POV

Kota woke me up when we got to the hospital. I opened my trunk and pulled out one of my white doctor coats that had my name embroidered on it. Nathan was looking at me like I was tying to show off.

"This will make getting information easier. Doctors and nurses are always willing to talk to other doctors and nurses. Although, Pookie, you are going to have to ignore some of the nurses looks and comments. I only have eyes for you." To make my point clear, I stroked the back of her hair with my right hand while my thumb of my left hand traced the edge of her lower lip. " I love you Sang." I inched forward until my lips touched hers. The electricity that shocks me through my whole body every time I kiss her is amazing. I left it at a lingering chaste kiss, her friend did just die. Right now is not the time to let my dick lead.

When I broke the kiss Nathan and Kota stepped up either side of Sang and took her hands in theirs. I lead the way walking into the hospital. We went to the nurses station down the hall from Mr. Peters room.

"Hello, I'm Dr. Green. I was told that there is something to be picked up for myself or a Miss Sang Sorenson." I saw her eyes go straight to my hand. She wanted to see if I was married. Ugh! Here we go. I noticed her name tag read 'Emily File, RN'.

"Hello, he he he, yes. We have an envelope back here, if you would like to step back here I'll find it for you."

"I think you can find it, Emily, without me being in your way behind the counter." I replied, annoyed she was doing this now. I knew she would though. Almost all the single nurses flirt with the single doctors, and some with the married ones. Before Pookie, I loved this flirting time with nurses. Watching them swoon was good for my ego. But now, it just annoys me. And for Pookie to have to watch nurse Emily flirt with me is even harder.

"I take it this is Sang Sorenson?" She asked with a sneer. She was holding a legal size sealed envelope.

"This is indeed Miss Sorenson." I replied.

"Well, I am going to require some identification. Per the lawyers note." She looked all kinds of smug and I wanted to slap her. I don't usually want to hurt women, but this one was grating on me.

"Um...." I heard the small voice of Pookie behind me.

"I believe that my ID is sufficient. I was the one contacted to find Miss Sorenson." I could see my name on a sticky note attached to the envelope. Emily looked down at my ID as I showed her, in fact, I was Dr. Sean Green.

"Fine, sign here." She huffed. I don't know why her panties are in a wad but this is no way to treat people. I should have words with her supervisor. I signed the legal form for the envelope and took the heavy envelope.

"Is this all that Miss Sorenson is needed for? Or does she need to talk to Mr. Peters Doctor?" I asked not knowing what all she was needed here for.

"I was told all the information is in the envelope." Nurse Emily said flippantly over her shoulder, since she had turned her back to us.

I looked back at Pookie. She looked like she was ready to cry again. Kota and Nathan looked almost homicidal. It was a good thing not all the boys were here. They might have caused a scene with yelling and such. I touched both of the guy's shoulders. "Let's go to the car where we can view the contents of the envelope in private."

I again lead the way back to the car, Nathan and Kota holding Sang's hands in almost a death grip. I was worried they might her her fingers. But she didn't look upset that they held onto her so tight.

We all climbed back into the car, Sang and I in the back, Kota in the drivers seat, Nathan in the passenger seat. "What is in it Doc?"

"This is really Pookie's envelope, not mine." I handed it over to her. She just shook her head 'no'as a few tears escaped her eyes. "Do you want me to open it, or do you want to go back to Victor's to open it?"

"Victor's" was all she said in a choked whisper.

"You heard the lady. Kota..." That's all it took. He started the car, I scooped Pookie up into my lap and leaned back to rest my eyes some more. I will never let this perfect beauty go. I could feel her shake now and again with silent sobs as Kota and Nathan said nothing on the drive back.

Once we were back at Victor's, Nathan jumped out of the car before Kota had it shut off, pulled open my door and dragged Sang out of my arms to carry her inside. Well, I guess I have to let her go now, since Nathan so rudely pried her from my grasp. Ha ha ha. I know why he did it. He cannot stand to see her sad and in the front seat, there was nothing he could do. I expect the others will all want to be close to her the rest of the day.

I noticed that Owen's car is back. I wonder if he and Victor are done with what they needed to do or if there will be assignments doled out. We walked up the stairs to join the others. I was carrying the envelope.

Before we got to the sitting room I heard all the guys talking loudly. "Where do we even start?" That was Victor.

"Search the police records for stolen vehicles or accident reports first." Owen instructed.

"This could be a wild goose chase." North boomed. His only volume level set at loud.

"Who are his enemies?" Luke asked calmly.

"We're back!" Nathan called from the second floor. You could hear the thundering of feet as they all rushed to be with Pookie. This brought a smile to my face, knowing she would always be cared for, looked after, never have to be alone or without love again.

"Oy, what was it Trouble had to go get?"

"We have not opened the envelope yet. She wanted to do that back here." I explained holding up the envelope as we made it to the third floor.

"I didn't like that nurse and wanted to go." Pookie spoke so quietly that if you weren't listening you would have missed it. Nathan tensed and Kota's hands went into fists.

"Fucking Hell No! What did some bitch do or say to Baby?" North demanded. He has really acute hearing.

"What? Someone did something to Aggele? Who?" Silas seemed to grow in size as he asked.

Owen looked at me and I shook my head no. No one did anything to her. "Let us adjourn to the conference table." Owen instructed.

Silence from the boys as they all went and sat at the table. I noticed Victor's lap top was open, like he had been working on something. Must have to do with this latest assignment.

"Here you go Pookie." I passed the envelope across the table where she sat on Nathan's lap. Silas sat on her right, North sat on her left. Those boys are being protective and there is not even a threat near by. I chuckled in my head.

As Sang went to open the envelope, her hands were shaking. Nathan became impatient, took it from her and ripped the envelope open, then handed it back with a half smile.

"Thank you Honey." She responded sweetly.

She reached in and pulled out a stack of papers. Her face wrinkled up while looking at them. "Owen, maybe you can help me with all of this."

"Whatever you need my love." He reached forward and took the papers from her. "Ah, these are legal documents. Mr. Peters will. It looks like he had an amendment drawn on Monday."

"Four days before he died?" Victor asked.

"Yes. This amendment changed the benefactor of the will. It says, "due to not being able to locate a Miss Sang Sorenson, I have named Dr. Sean Green as my benefactor. With this note, that he is to give it all to Miss Sang Sorenson once he locates her."

"That's not a problem, I found her!" I teased and winked at Pookie. She giggled at me. I cocked my head to the side with a smirk and she clamped her lips shut. I love teasing her!

"There are instructions here for you. He has been cremated and wants you to scatter his ashes at his property." Owen continued.

"I don't know where he lived." Sang says with worry in her voice.

"Do not worry. The address is given here. Also, it says that you can keep any of the household furnishings or hold an estate sale. It is up to you." Owen reassured. Then he went on. "There are a lot more legal forms here but essentially Sang, you are now the proud owner of all of Mr. Peters earthly belongings. There is also a bank account that has Dr. Green's name added to it. According to the account records included, there is only about $30,000 in there. Not much, but that should cover all the expenses of paying the crematorium and whatever you want to do as a funeral service for Mr. Peters."

"I have to think about doing a funeral?" Her voice rising in pitch as she asked.

"No, it said here, he wanted his ashes scattered on his property and he didn't have any family left alive. We could just hold a gathering of our own family to say goodbye to him. We all got to meet him. And I believe we all thought he would have made a better father/grandfather for you than what you had."

There was a resounding "yes" and other grunts of agreement at that statement. Owen picked up the documents to hand back to Sang to put in the envelope. I saw that there was a name crossed out as the original benefactor. "Can I see that a moment?" I asked. Owen handed it to me where I saw the name crossed out was Emily File. So that explains why the nurse was being rude to Sang and I. We were taking what she thought was his. He must have made friends with this nurse and promised her to leave it all to her. And then Sang came swooping in, an angel of love, and took away what she felt was hers.

I handed the stack over toward Sang when a smaller envelope fell from the stack. It was sealed and had Sang's name written on the front. On the back it read, "this is my last time to ask you...Will you marry me?" And a smiley face was drawn. At reading that Sang was crying and laughing at the same time.

"He really was a cute old man wasn't he?" Pookie asked through her tears.

"Oy, if you think that is cute, I'll fucking ask you everyday to marry me Trouble."

"No you fucking won't. It is cute to her because he was 90 years old, and didn't really mean it. It's a whole fucking different thing when one of your boyfriends asks you!" North growled at Gabe.

"He has a point Gabe. Only Mr. Peters got to ask Sang that, until later in the future of course." Kota confirmed it was not ok for any of us to be asking Sang to marry us as a playful teasing. That was reserved for Mr. Peters. But later, when she was old enough, all gloves are off. Or all knees will be bent with a ring presented. Only the best, most romantic proposal will do for our Sang.

"Tell that to the fuckers at school! And maybe you need to remind Luke." Gabe was deflecting the stares from him to Luke.

"Tell me you did NOT ask Sang to marry you?" Victor spoke up with a little anger in his voice.

"We were practicing more sign language than the alphabet. I playfully asked her." Luke shrugged his shoulders.

"Yea, he tricked her. She asked what he had asked her and he told her to just say yes. She did, of course, and then I asked what he asked. He held up five fingers to indicate the fifth time someone had asked her to marry them."

"Yea, but she said yes to me and not to all the other proposals." Luke retorted.

"You little shit!" North grumbled. But was across the table and could not hit him. Kota smacked Luke in the back of the head. North smiled.

"No more hitting boys. Luke asked as a joke and that was a while ago anyway." Sang commanded attention.

"Sorry." Kota spoke up but lowered his head.

Sang opened up the envelope carefully. She pulled out the letter and began reading.

My Sweetie Girl Sang,
I may not be your father, but if I had been lucky enough to have a daughter I would have wanted her to be just like you. Sang, you have a heart of gold. Your sweet disposition is not a learned behavior trait, it is how you were made. Do not let the world harden your heart.
I was pleased and honored that you chose to befriend me. To most people I was just a grumpy old man. But you saw through my rough exterior. You were willing to spend time with me and introduce your boys to me. That could not have been easy.
Your family choice might be unusual to most, but you are truly loved by those boys of yours. I could see it from all of them. You seem to have more love in your heart than 20 people combined. As long as you continue to show that love to your boys, they will never have reason to leave. You can tell them, if they don't treat you right, I will haunt them in their dreams. . I will continue to watch over you from Heaven.
Inside the big envelope are two keys. The smaller key is the key to my house. It is a small, old, two bedroom/one bathroom home. But it was always full of love. My wife could fill any space with love, just like you do. The home sits on 15 acres of land. Please keep my wife's home intact, even if it is just a guest home. On the rest of the land you can build whatever size home you want. As long as you keep those nine boys in your life, you will need a BIG home.
The second key, the bigger one, is for my favorite toy. My 1955 Mercedes Gullwing 300 SL. It is silver with red interior and a manual. If you do not know how to drive a stick shift, ask one of your boys to teach you. I left it parked inside the garage.
For all legal purposes, I left everything in your Doctor's name, since he was old enough to receive it all. But make sure you read this part to him, are you listening to me Dr. Green? Good! ALL OF THIS IS FOR MY SWEETIE GIRL SANG, NOT YOU! Great, now that the formalities are out of the way, live your life full of love and happiness!
With love,
David Peters

"Mr. Peters, I heard you, no need to haunt me! It is all Sang's!" I spoke looking up at the ceiling. The other guys laughed.

North dumped out the keys from the big envelope. "He really did leave you a house and car!"

"When do you want to go see it Princess?"

"What all do you guys need to do? I would like to see where to scatter Mr. Peters ashes before we officially say goodbye to him."

"Victor is working on finding some information we need and I need to make a phone call in private to another team. But we can all go look at the property in an hour or two." Owen responded.

"Thank you, all of you. The love and support I have felt yesterday and today has helped to hold me together at this time of loss."

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