Part 33

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Part 33

Sang's POV

When I woke up I felt refreshed. I could hear Victor and Gabriel talking in the closet. The door was open so I climbed out of bed and walked over to see what was going on.

"Good mor......." I began but was caught by surprise. My eyes bugged wide. My brain short circuited. Victor and Gabe are both standing there with only their boxers on. Each had clothes in their hands but they hadn't put them on yet. They are truly gorgeous specimens.

"Um, sorry, uh...." I turned around embarrassed that I walked in on them while they were changing.

"It's ok Trouble! We had on boxers. You have seen us in boxers before. Why are you embarrassed?"

"If we had needed privacy, we would have closed the door Princess." Victor said as he walked out of the closet, still just in his boxers.

"Good morning Trouble! Here are your clothes. Go get ready in the bathroom, then I will fix your hair." He handed me my bag.

When I got in the bathroom, I opened up the bag and found my clothes for today. Meanie had picked out a white satin bra and matching satin thong. That is something Victor would like. There was also a hunter grey pencil skirt, something Mr. BLackbourne would like, and a sheer pale blue button down shirt and a white tank top. Definitely for Luke's viewing pleasure. I like the outfit and I like dressing in my boys favorite colors.

I dressed quickly and opened the door for Meanie to come in. He appraised my clothes and smiled. "F**king gorgeous as always." I blushed at his compliment. "Now, let's get that hair done."

He pulled out a curling iron and gave me loose curls all around. He pinned the bangs back with a bobby bin. He grabbed my pale pink lip gloss. "Make a kiss face." He said as he squished my cheeks together in his hand. He planted a kiss on my lips then applied the gloss.

"What was that?" I asked him.

"I wasn't going to kiss you AFTER you had gloss on. Then I would have been wearing it." He laughed.

I looked at myself in the mirror. I like this look. It was playful yet sophisticated. Then he held out a pair of grey flats for me to put on.

"Come on, we have to eat before we leave." He said to me as he pulled me out of the bathroom.

We hurried down the two flights of stairs to the kitchen. Victor turned from putting breakfast on plates and dropped the toast he had in his hand. " look....ravishing!" He stepped forward and circled his arms around my waist. I looked at his eyes and they were a medium smolder.

Victor leaned in close to my ear, running his lips over the edge of my ear, "do you mind if I kiss you?"

I shook my head no, not sure if I could speak without my voice cracking. He cupped my cheeks in his hands and kissed my forehead. Then he kissed right next to my left eye. Then he kissed my cheek, and finally he kissed the corner of my lips (just barely on my lips). I took in a sharp breath at the fire he was igniting in me. He chuckled and said, "me too Princess."

"Oy, are we eating or what?" Meanie called from the breakfast bar. I blushed because I forgot anyone else was here while Victor was kissing me.

We ate our breakfast of fruit, yogurt and toast. We were discussing Gabriel's upcoming birthday and all the fun we would have at Laser-fx. I had never been to a place like it before. They were telling me about Luke's antics the last time they played laser tag and how competitive Nathan can get with rock climbing. They told me the go-karts only go 45 miles per hour but with all the tight turns and sitting so low to the ground it feels faster.

Something caught Victor's attention, but I didn't see or hear anything. I was looking around trying to figure it out. He gave Gabriel a look and immediately they both jumped up from their seats to stand in front of me. That's when I heard him, and I shrank to be as small as possible behind the guys.

"Well if it isn't my faggot son and his gay lover! I thought after you had that little whore in your bath with you, that you were finally cured. But seeing this f**ker here, it looks like I was wrong." Mr. Morgan yelled.

I don't like the way he is talking about my guys. He has no right! He doesn't know them at all. He is evil and vile. My hands are clenching into fists, my body preparing for a fight.

"Don't talk about my friends like that!" Victor raised his voice in control but was not yelling.

"I will talk about them however I want. This cocksucker is in MY home. If he doesn't like it, he can leave!"

"Was there something you needed, or did you just come in here to insult me and my friends?" Victor asked with disdain.

"You little s**ts were being loud. And my head hurts. Get out of my way jackass before I move you myself."

Simultaneously, Victor and Gabriel reached back and took a hold of one of my arms, moving me out the door as quickly as they could. Before we exited the house I could hear Mr. Morgan again, "did you take turns with her all night? Next time I see her here, it is my turn!"

I shivered involuntarily. He truly was creepy and he disgusts me.

"I am so sorry you had to run into him Princess." Victor tried to apologize for his sorry excuse for a father.

"Trouble, ignore what he says. But under NO circumstances are you to be left alone with him around." Meanie was laying down the law, but this one I willingly agree with.

"S**t! Our school bags are still upstairs." Victor said as we reached his car.

"We can't take her back in with him around and you can't go get them alone. F**k! What do you want to do?" Meanie was pacing back and forth and pulling at his hair.

"Princess, will you stay locked in the car please? We will run quickly and get our bags. If for any reason you see my father, honk." Victor was planning.

"Why don't I just drive the car around the block while you two get the stuff? That way we know he won't be a problem." I volunteered.

They looked at each other exchanging a conversation with their eyes. "Why don't you just drive around this big circle drive here. We should be back out before you can make a full circle. Maybe if He sees the car leaving he won't see us go in the house." Gabe countered.

"If you see my dad coming out toward the car, drive straight to the gate and go around the block." Victor instructed me.

"Why does your dad have to always pull this s**t? He is a motherf**ker!" Gabe asked.

"Don't I know it." Victor groaned.

I got in the car and made my way around the circle. I was heading toward the security gate and watching my rear view mirror for any sign of Victor's father. I didn't see anyone around so I drove around the bottom of the circle drive, furthest from the house. I slowed to get a good look. Still nothing. The hairs on my neck were standing at attention. I don't like not knowing if they are ok and where Mr. Morgan is.

As the circle drive is curving back in towards the house I am getting really nervous. I drove a little faster going past the front of the house. Afraid that Mr. Morgan might jump out toward the car as I passed the front door. But again, nothing.

Just a I passed the side of the house that leads to the back entrance, I see movement. I looked over my shoulder and saw it was Meanie and Victor and they are running. I slammed the brakes, threw it in park, unlocked the doors and slid to the passenger side. Gabe jumped in the back with all the bags and Victor ran around to the drivers side.

I looked back toward the back entrance and Mr. Morgan was running toward the car with something in his hand. Whatever is was, he threw it towards the car as Victor accelerated toward the gate. It must have been glass because it exploded when it hit the ground.

"What was that?" I asked them.

"We made it upstairs and got all our bags, but on the way down past the 2nd floor, he came after us. I think he is drunk." Meanie responded.

"He probably was. That was a coffee mug he threw in our direction. I'm not sure what he meant to accomplish by that, but you can't come around my house for a couple of days. It's not safe with my father around."

"Ok. I'm sure the others have me going to someone else's place anyway. Let's forget about him for now. I was having a good time besides the last five minutes."

"Sounds like a f**king fantastic idea to me!" Meanie exclaimed.

"What station would you like to listen to Princess?" Victor asked but his knuckles were turning white on the steering wheel.

"How about something soothing, peaceful, relaxing." I said with a sigh. He shook his head yes and turned on some classical station. It was nice. I leaned my head against the seat and stared out at the passing scenery. Even Meanie was quiet in the back seat, which surprised me the most.

We made it to school and went to our usual place. Nathan and Kota were already there, waiting. They both saw me and watched my every step as I got closer. I'm not even sure if they blinked.

"Stunning...absolutely stunning". Kota said with a look of, desire?, on his face. Then he seemed to snap out of wherever he was in his mind, "you have a shift at the diner after school. And Sweetie, you will want to have out a big tip jar looking like you do today." His smile was huge now.

"You leave me breathless Peanut. I don't know if you should be allowed to look this good at school."

From behind me I heard, "Tell me she is NOT f**king going commando. Because if I can see there are no visible panty lines, then the other dips**ts in this school can see it too." North growled quietly so as not to attract attention. "You look too amazing for this school Sang Baby." I was surprised they approached me so quietly.

Luke was standing there with a dumbfounded look. I wonder what is wrong with him. I'm not sure I have seen him without a smile on his face in a long time.

Wait! Did North just ask Gabe about my panties? What? I started blushing like crazy. Are they really having a discussion about my panties at school?

"I'm not Luke! Of course she has on panties." Meanie whisper yelled.

Luke snapped out of it. "Hey! I might like to feel free, but that doesn't mean I want my Cupcake wearing skirts without panties on." He looked at me and winked, "unless it is in the privacy of our homes." North smacked the back of his head. "I like the way you look in my favorite color Sugar."

"Aggele, you look beautiful today. Like a cool ocean breeze on an overcast day." Then he turned to North, "You two better keep a close eye on Aggele at the diner today. I have a feeling she will turn a few heads." Silas grumbled to both North and Luke.

"She will work in the back if I have any say in the matter." North assured him.

"You know Uncle will want her out front. He always does. He says she brings back repeat customers." Luke commented.

"How do I do that? All I do is take tickets and payment. Also, I fill drinks, but I barely even say anything to anyone. Maybe hello, goodbye and thank you for coming. Luke and Gabriel are the ones who always interact with the customers. So they would be the reason people return. Or because of the amazing food Uncle and North make." I was ranting now.

All the guys stated laughing like I told the funniest joke ever. Silas gave me a huge Silas hug and the others touched my arm, hand, hair or back. "Aggele, don't be silly! You are eye candy! That's what Uncle is saying. You don't have to do anything but stand there and look pretty."

"Well, she has that covered." Nathan responded.

The bell rang, it was time to being the school day.

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