Part ten

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Ioane definitely knows how to wine and dine a girl. He takes me to a seafood buffet for dinner, and everything tastes so fresh. I've never had lobster, king crab, and shrimp as good as this before.

"So tell me about your family," Ioane says. "Do you have any kids?"

I laugh. "With James? That's never going to happen. We just got married, and he told me after the wedding that he wanted to keep sleeping with other women."

Ioane frowns. "Did he act like he was going to be loyal to you beforehand? What a piece of garbage," he says.

I sigh. "It's not entirely his fault. We had an arranged marriage. He told me he wanted to keep it open afterward, and I didn't object. This is basically my fault."

"He should have told you he wanted an open marriage before you two actually got married though," Ioane says.

I shrug. "I guess there's no point in dwelling on  it now."

"I suppose I should be happy you're in an open marriage. Otherwise, you and I wouldn't be here right now."

I blush. "That's very true."

"You look beautiful Sofia," he compliments. "Absolutely ravishing."

"Thanks," I tell him, tucking a curtain of hair behind my ear. "So tell me about your family," I ask him.

"Well, I have one daughter named Leilani. She's two years old. Do you want to see pictures?"

"Of course," I tell him, leaning in to peek at his phone. He pulls up photos of the most adorable baby I've ever seen. She has two pigtails in her hair and is crawling around in her diaper. "Where's her mom?" I ask him.

Ioane frowns. "She passed away a year ago. Cancer," he says.

"I'm so sorry. My mom died of cancer too. It was really fast," I tell him.

"For us too," he says. "I still can't believe she's gone."

"My mom died when I was in college, so it's been six years since then. Sometimes I don't think it matters how much time passes. I'm always going to miss her. What was your wife's name?"

"Malia," Ioane says. He runs a hand through his shoulder length hair.

"That's beautiful."

"She was the most stunning woman I've ever seen. We were high school sweethearts. Fell in love early."

"That's sweet. I've had my fair share of boyfriends, but I was never in love with any of them. I was hoping I might get to know what love feels like with James, but that's obviously not going to be the case."

We continue eating for the duration of dinner at the restaurant, and then Ioane invites me out to come dancing with him. "I don't know," I tell him.

"Are you not a dancer?" He asks.

"No! I love dancing. I'm just nervous because it's getting late."

Was James even waiting for me? Probably not. I'm sure he was too busy screwing those blonde women. Why was I in a rush to get home anyway? I should just enjoy myself.

"One dance," he says.

"Alright," I smile. "One dance." 

As it turns out, Ioane and I share multiple dances. He's an amazing dancer, so I'm not worried about looking embarrassing because he leads well. I dance until my feet hurt, and then Ioane agrees to take me home. We're parked in front of the house when I turn to face him.

"Thanks for a great night," I say.

"This was the most fun I've had in a while," he replies.

"Me too," I tell him honestly. And it occurs to me that I've had more fun on my honeymoon with another man than I've actually had with my husband.

"Can I kiss you?"

The question seems out of the blue, and my heart hammers in my chest. Do I want him to kiss me? The answer is immediate: yes.


When I hear a car pull into the driveway around one in the morning, I walk over to the glass wall and step outside. From this angle, I can see the car and the passengers inside. It's Sofia and Ioane. I watch in horror as he leans in to kiss her.

She wraps her hands in his long hair and holds him close, and my body burns as I watch them kiss. With tongue. Fuck me, I want her to be kissing me. The kiss feels like it lasts for hours, although in reality it couldn't be more than a couple of seconds. Then she gets out of the car and walks inside. I head back to bed, pulling the covers over my head. When she creeps into the room, I pretend like I'm sleeping.

I can hear her rustling as she opens her suitcase and pulls out that crazy slip she wears to bed. Usually she changes in the bathroom, but I can tell that she's changing in the middle of the bedroom since I'm supposed to be sleeping. I resist the strong urge to pull my head out of the covers and admire her naked body.

In the morning, I wake up before her. I have enough time to take a shower and make coffee for the both of us while she sleeps. By the time she wakes, it's noon and the coffee has gone cold.

"Long night?" I ask her, watching as her stretches her arms in bed.

She yawns, nodding her head. "I bet," I mutter, thinking of her soft lips on someone else.

"What was that?" She asks.

"Nothing," I reply quickly.

"How was your night?" She asks. "Did you go home with those two blondes?"

I raise an eyebrow at her. She really wants to know? "Uh, yeah, I did."


There's a pause. Then I speak up. "So what do you want to do today?"

"Um, I was talking to Ioane about shark diving yesterday. Do you want to do that?"

Shark diving? What kind of crazy thrill seeker is she? I don't know want to look like a pussy though, so I say yes. The smile that stretches across my wife's face almost makes it worth it. Almost.

Sofia is prepared to swim in the open ocean, but I tell her that I want to be in a cage like a sane person. I don't actually say the sane person thing out loud though. Fortunately, she's fine with cage diving. She changes into a white bikini and slips a mini dress over top. I drive us to Oahu, and we park the car near the docks.

The closer we get to the boat, the more nervous I get. My stomach feels like it's going to explode the entire time the crew drives us to the drop-off point on the boat. The marine biologist is talking about the different sharks in the area, but I can't hear a thing she's saying. All I can hear is the pounding of blood in my ear. The rest of the people on the tour look excited to dive, and I wonder what the hell I've gotten myself into for this woman.

I watch as she gets into the cage, and then she waits for me to get in too. There are already sharks circling the cage that I can see from up here. I can't help the way my legs shake, and I fight the urge to hurl. I can't do this.

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