Part twenty-eight

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Catching an early morning flight out of Hawaii sucks. I would much rather be wearing sweats, but instead I'm wearing a bodycon dress because I want to look nice when Sarah picks us up. It's an off the shoulder, ruched velvet number that emphasizes my curves. I've thrown my hair into a messy bun, and I decide that I'll put it down when we land.

I catch up on my sleep on our first flight out of Hawaii. My head lolls to the side, falling on James' shoulder as I sleep. He doesn't seem to mind the fact that I'm dozing off on him.

When we arrive in New York, I stop to use the bathroom. In the mirror, I freshen up by splashing my face with water. I let my hair down and apply some light makeup. After I leave the bathroom, I ask James how I look.

"Is it okay? Does this say I'm a respectable sister-in-law?"

James grins. "Are you worried about Sarah?"

"Yes! I don't want to look like a slob in front of her," I tell him.

"But you're fine with looking like a slob in front of me," he teases.

"I'm fine with looking like anything in front of you," I tell him. "That's why we're married."

James takes me by the hand, surprising me. I think he reads the shock on my face, and he explains his actions. "Have to keep up the pretense of being a happy newlywed," He says. Something like hope deflates in my chest. Every time I think he might genuinely like me for who I am, it seems like it's just for show.

But if that's the case, why does he kiss me in private when we're home? Who is he showing off to then? Confusion overwhelms me as James takes me by the hand and drags me toward baggage claim. We pick up our luggage, and James calls his sister, who is already at the airport. Within fifteen minutes, she's arrived to pick us up outside.

"Woah! Both of you are so tan," she says right away.

I look at James. He doesn't seem any darker to me than he was at the wedding, but then again I have seen him every single day since then. "We did a lot of outdoor activities," James tells his sister.

"I can tell," Sarah says. "C'mon, I'll drive you home."

We're staying with James' family for the first few days in New York while our apartment finishes being renovated. The drive into the city takes about fifty minutes, and then we're home. Elizabeth greets me the second I walk through the door, which makes me glad I dressed up. "You look beautiful Sofia. Doesn't she look beautiful?" She asks.

"Very beautiful," James agrees, but I don't take him seriously. I know he's just agreeing with his mom to make it seem like he loves me.

"James, why aren't you carrying her bags?" Elizabeth asks.

He immediately takes my bag from my hands. "Sorry Sofia," he mutters.

Sarah mock-gasps. "Did you just apologize?"

I look at her with a confused expression on my face.

"James never apologizes," she explains. "He must really care about you if he's saying sorry. I can count the amount of times he's apologized to me my whole life on one hand."

I think about how fervently James apologized to me at the hospital when he snapped at me for not being in the hospital room when he woke up. So far, he'd been pretty apologetic toward me. I don't say anything, and Sarah tells us to head upstairs. Apparently, James and I are staying in the guest bedroom together.

"She's so fucking annoying," James says, collapsing onto the bed. "God, I'm exhausted."


Mom texts me to see if we are going to be having dinner with dad and Sarah. I ask Sofia, and she says she's fine with it even though she looks drained. I know she's trying to be the perfect daughter in law for my parents. Honestly, I don't feel like going down and socializing with everyone. I just want to shower and get the airport smell off me.

"I'm going to shower," Sofia tells me.

"You can take the guest bathroom then. I'll shower in my old bathroom."

"Are you sure?" She asks.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"Are we eating with your family? Should I change into my pajamas or wear nice clothes?"

"I think your pajamas are fine," I say, trying not to think about the way she looks so sexy in her slips. I don't need a boner right now.

"Okay, I'll see you in a bit," she says, smiling softly at me.

I end up jerking off in the shower, thinking of Sofia as usual. I wish we were showering together. That way I could take her against the shower wall and listen to her moan. I want to lick the water off her naked body.

When I come out of the shower, I keep the towel wrapped around my waist. Sofia is still taking one of her usual long showers, so I'm alone when I walk into our bedroom. It just so happens that I'm taking my towel off when Sofia walks into the room. She eyes my junk and squeaks, covering her eyes.

"Oh my god!"

I smirk at her. "Really Sofia? It's nothing you haven't seen before."

She reddens. "I-I've never, n-not in person," she stammers.

My jaw drops. What is she saying? Is she being serious right now? "Are you telling me you haven't seen anyone's cock before?"

If it's possible, she turns an even darker shade of red. "N-no, I'm a virgin. And I've never seen one otherwise," she says innocently.

"Fuck me," I swear, looking at her with complete surprise. What does she mean she's a virgin? How could someone as sexy as her be a virgin? And what about Ioane? I thought they slept together.

"Are you serious?" I ask her incredulously.

"Why would I be lying about that?" She snaps, reddening even further. Man, she's looks even more embarrassed. I don't know why though. She doesn't need to be embarrassed. I wouldn't judge her for that.

"But I thought you and Ioane—"

She shakes her head.

"So all this time, I've been sleeping with other women, and you've never slept with anyone?"

"Say it louder, will you?" She hisses sarcastically.

"I'm sorry," I apologize.

"Damn it, will you cover yourself up? I can't even look at you," she says.

I wrap the towel around my waist, walking over to her. She won't meet my eyes now.

"Sofia," I breathe. "Look at me."

She keeps her eyes glued to the floor.

"Sofia, damn it. Look at me," I demand. I tilt her chin toward me, and we make eye contact. I'm surprised to see tears in her eyes. "Don't cry," I whisper, brushing the wetness from her cheeks.

"I'm so embarrassed," she says quietly, wiping her tears.

"Please don't be. There's nothing wrong with being a virgin," I tell her.

"That's easy for you to say. Everyone wants to sleep with you. No one's ever wanted to sleep with me."

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