Part forty

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Sorry for the late update—I've been moving! Please drop a vote :)


James calls my name softly, rubbing my shoulder. I open my eyes, blinking tiredly at him. Somehow, my throat feels raw, and I realize that I've been screaming in my sleep.

"Sofia, you've been been yelling in agony. What's wrong?"

I turn over to flip a light on the nightstand in the dark of the room. A yellow glow promptly illuminates my husband's face. "I-I was having a nightmare. I thought you were dead," I whisper. I cover my face and pulls my knees up to my chest, burying my head in my hands.

That's when I realized that my face is dripping wet. I've been sweating and crying. Why does this nightmare keep happening to me?

"Don't hide from me," he says quietly. I feel him pull my hands away from my face, and I look up at him with fresh tears.

"I'm so tired," I tell him. "Come here," he says, beckoning me into his chest.

I notice he's still wearing his work clothes. "Did you just get back home?" I ask him. It's three thirty in the morning, and he has to get up early for work in a few hours.

"Yeah. I walked through the door and you were screaming, so I ran in here." He drops his arms. "Let me get you a glass of water."

I wait patiently while he fills a glass and brings it to me. I down half the water in one go, relaxing a little as the cook liquid goes down my belly.

James pulls off his shirt and pants, changing into his pajamas. Then he crawls into bed and sits up against the headboard with me. "Do you think we should take you to a sleep specialist?"

I shake my head immediately. "No, I don't want to go to one. I'm just stressed. That's all."

"Why are you stressed?" He asks me.

I look at him out of the side of my eyes, debating if now is a good idea to say something. I don't want to cause a fuss. "I, uh, I don't—"

"—be honest with me," he says.

I sigh. Fine. If he wants honesty, I'll give it to him. "I'm stressed about if and when you'll get home every time you leave the house. During the day, it's not so bad. My anxiety gets worse at night because I know there are always a bunch of crazy, drunk drivers out. I'm terrified you'll get in an accident coming home late, and I won't be there to find you like I did in Hawaii. I know our marriage is unconventional, but I still like you James. And I don't want to be a widow." Tears spill down my face, and James looks stunned.


I've been causing her enough stress to give her what looks like night terrors? I didn't even think she cared about how long I stayed out. She was so nonchalant about the whole thing when I told her I'd be going out to drink after work.

"I'm so sorry Sofia," I tell her.

She shakes her head. "It's fine, don't worry about me. I'll get over it."

"It's not right Sofia. I-I'll go out less. I won't stay out as late. Or you can come with me when I go drinking or clubbing. We'll figure something out," I tell her. I don't want to hurt her. She's my wife. I can still find a way to sleep with other women. I'll take it like a challenge. Sleeping around was getting too easy anyway.

"Do you really mean that?"

"Of course I do. Come here. Let me hold you."

She sighs, scooting over. I lay down flat and pull her onto my chest, and she throws an arm over my torso. "I feel like I ruined your life," she tells me. "You still want to be single and sleep around, and I'm just cock-blocking you," she says quietly.

"You're supposed to cock-block me wifey," I tease.

"I'm serious," she says. Her finger traces along the veins of my arm, sending shivers up my spine. "I really feel like you'll come to resent me."

"I could never," I tell her. "We got married because we both needed each other, and I will always remember that. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have the company. I couldn't resent you over a decision I would make again," I tell her firmly.

"Okay," she whispers. She lifts her head and kisses my chest, and I feel my nerves sing under her lips.

"Go to sleep now Sofia. I'm holding you close."

When I wake up in the morning, Sofia is still sleeping on me. I turn gently so as not to wake her up, but my efforts are in vain. She looks up at me, stretching her arms. I try not to notice the way her back arches, thrusting her breasts forward to me.

"Morning James," she yawns.

"Morning Sofia," I tell her, climbing out of bed. I walk to the bathroom, running through my usual morning routine. While I shave, Sofia steps into the shower. I can see her naked silhouette through the frosted glass, and my dick engorges thinking about her wet, naked body only feet away from mine. I'm so distracted that I cut myself.


"Are you okay?" Sofia's voice can be heard over the spray of the water.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a small cut."

I make sure to leave the bathroom so that I won't have to see her dripping wet when she gets out. By the time she's changed into her jean shorts and crop top, I'm dressed for work.

"I want my kiss now," I tell her.

She leans in, pressing her full lips against mine. My hands wind around her back, rubbing up and down where her flesh is exposed. She arches into me, and I feel her chest press against mine as she deepens the kiss. She's frenching me, making love to my mouth, and I get swept up in her clean scent. Eventually, I have to pull away. I head out feeling hornier than ever.

When I get to work, I head straight into my office. Soon after, Mara walks in with my schedule for the day. She meets my eyes evenly.

"Are we going to talk about yesterday?" She asks.

"Are you regretting anything?" I ask her.

"Far from it," she says, her sultry gaze on me. "You?"

I hold my breath. "No."

She locks the door behind her. "Good, because I've been thinking about you all night." She rolls my chair back and kneels on the floor in front of my desk. I watch with wide eyes as she unzips the front of my slacks. Her hands pull down on my boxers and briefs, and she slowly strokes me until I become stiff. She begins to take me into her mouth. Her tongue swirls along my cock like it's her favorite candy, and she moans, taking me deeper. I grip the side arms of my chair, thrusting my hips further into her wet mouth. She sucks hard, taking in every inch of me.

"Fuck," I groan. "I'm going to come."

She swallows every last drop, and I stand up, pulling up my pants. Well I guess now I won't have to go to a bar to get the sex I need.

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