Chapter 27

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Content warning. This chapter is going to get graphic. I'm going to put a warning before and after the really graphic parts so if you are uninterested in reading them then go ahead and skip that part. 

(Peters Pov)

We're in the helicarrier, suited up and ready to infiltrate the Hydra base and rescue Y/N. We're all sitting around anxiously awaiting our arrival.

I'm currently reviewing the rescue plans one last time before it actually happens just to make sure that everything will go according to plan. To be honest I'm kind of freaking out. This is my first real mission as an Avenger and we're going to save my girlfriend. I haven't seen her in months and I miss her so much.

"We're coming for you Y/n" I say under my breath.

(Normal Pov)

"Hold still" a gruff looking scientist spits at you as he sticks various electrodes onto your body. You stand there getting prepped to be examined when you see Nadia walk into the training room.

"My dear сломанный." She says "how are you this morning." you look at her knowing not to respond and she continues.

"Guess what сломанный." She says excited. You just blink at her in response. "Your going to get to go on a mission soon. Oh it's going to be so much fun!! I can't wait to see you in action."

As soon as Nadia finishes you hear the scientist grumble something at her in Russian as he leaves the room.

"Now for today we're going to have you practice buoyancy once again while we take your vitals and try to analyze what's going on inside that little brain of yours while you're doing your magic." She explains. "Now take your position in the middle and we'll get started."

You do as you're told and walk to the middle of the room. Once there you close your eyes, take a deep breath, and slowly start to float off the ground. The room is dead silent except for Nadia's breathing. Your head hits ceiling so you decide to open your eyes and look at Nadia for instructions.

"Okay same results as yesterday. Try thinking about deactivating your powers just a little bit not so that you fall down but just enough to get you to not touch the ceiling." She instructs.

You close your eyes and are about to focus on deactivating your powers a little bit when suddenly an alarm goes off.  Your concentration breaks and you fall a good ten feet to the ground. You immediately stand up even though your back hurts from the fall and look towards Nadia for instruction. She looks shocked and angry at the same time.  She comes over to undo the equipment strapped to your body and as she does a soldier runs in yelling Russian at Nadia. The soldier looks very frightened but Nadia seems to calm down a bit. She responds in Russian and he quickly takes off leaving the two of you alone once more.

Nadia turns to you and says "well it looks like you'll go on your first mission a little sooner than we thought."

(Peters Pov)

"Ok team let's go over this one more time. The plan is to infiltrate the headquarters at every exit possible. Each one of us will have a team of SHIELD soldiers to assist in the rescue mission, except for you Underoos you're with me. Sam your on on air assault. Your job is to jam all signals going in and out of the base. We need to make sure they can't call for backup. Nat you'll be infiltrating the base. Since you speak Russian you'll be able to get in, disable their security systems, and gather as much information on Y/N as possible before we get found out. Cap, Rodney, and I ,accompanied by the kid, will be taking down the soldiers surrounding the base until Nat's cover has been blown. Once that happens we rush in through the three different entry points. Once we're inside the facility take down every enemy you see. Whoever gets to Y/N first needs to signal the helicarrier and get ready for pickup. As long as we stick to the plan we'll get in and out. It's a done deal." Mr. Stark says ending his speech.

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