Chapter 16

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The picture is your homecoming outfit

It was finally the day of the homecoming dance and you were getting ready. Peter and Ned decided that they would get ready together at Neds house so Peter could pick you up the old fashion way. You were in the bathroom putting on just enough makeup to cover up all your blemishes and to accentuate your natural beauty when you got a text from Peter saying that they were leaving to come get you, so you quickly finish your makeup and ran into Peter's Room to grab your dress.

"May can you come in here please" you yell as you put the dress on. "What do you need sweetie" May said walking in "can you please zip up my dress" you ask "Oh of course"

After May zipped your dress you slipped your tan flats on and turned around "so what do you think" you asked "you look marvelous dear" she replied giving you a hug "you know ever since you and Peter met I've always been rooting for you two to get together"

"what really" you replied shocked "Yea I always thought you'd be cute together" may smiled. You were about to say something but you heard a knock on the door. "That's probably Peter" May said going to get the door.

You waited in Peter's room until May was done freaking out about how handsome Peter was. You were looking in the mirror making sure everything was perfect when May called you over. You made your way out of Peter's room and into the living room where you saw Peter standing holding a white flower corsage and wearing a black suit with a blue tie that matched your dress. As soon as Peter saw you his mouth dropped he couldn't stop staring at you

"Peter close your mouth you'll catch flies" May commented with a laugh "right sorry" Peter replied not taking his eyes off of you. You walked over to him and asked "what do you think"

"I think your the most beautiful person on this planet." He replied still staring at you. You blushed and replied "you don't look too bad yourself" as you kissed his cheek.

"th..this is for you" Peter said handing you the corsage becoming a deep shade of red. "Thank you Peter" you said giving him a peck on the lips before saying "we should get going we don't want to be late"

"right, bye May" Peter said but before he could reach the door May replied with "wait I need your picture".

You and Peter posed by the door with his hand around your waist. "Say cheese" May said taking the picture.
"perfect, you to have fun ok" "we will" Peter replied opening the door letting you walk out first.

As you and Peter got to the car Peter opened the door for you and got in after you. "Hey Y/N looking fine" Ned said "you look great Ned" you replied laughing "Y/N you look beautiful sweetheart" Mrs. Leeds said. "Thank you" you replied.

The whole car ride there you, Ned, and Peter talked about random things like the release of The Last Jedi trailer and how you couldn't wait to see it. (since this is taking place in october) the three of you didn't stop talking until you got into the gym. You and Peter were holding hands and looking around at all of the decorations when Peter asked "do you want a drink"

"Yea sure" you replied "kay I'll be right back" he replied giving you a kiss on the cheek before leaving you with Ned. You and Ned made small talk until Michelle came over. "Hey MJ what's up" you asked "I came to ask Ned if he wanted to dance" she said in her normal matter of fact tone. "Y..yea Sure" Ned replied and they walked to the dance floor. You smiled as you watched the two dance until someone tapped your shoulder. You turned around expecting it to be Peter but it wasn't, it was Liz.

"What do you want" you asked annoyed. "I just wanted to come tell you to watch your back tonight I heard people talking and it didn't sound good" she said with a serious tone. "You expect me to believe you after all you've done to me" you laugh and start to walk away when she grabs your arm "Y/N don't get me wrong I'm not doing this because I like you I'm doing this because I'm not  one to stand around and watch chaos happen" She replies "yea you're the one who starts the chaos Liz now let me go" you say getting extremely annoyed "fine but don't say I didn't warn you" Liz said letting go of you and walking away as if nothing happened.

"Hey Y/N are you ok" Peter asks coming up behind you. "Yea Liz was just being a pest" you replied. "What where is she" Peter replied "it's fine Peter leave her be I don't want to start anything tonight" you say taking the punch from Peter and taking a sip. "Where's Ned" he asks "oh MJ came over and asked if he wanted to dance" you replied still wondering if what Liz said had any truth behind it. "Speaking of dancing" Peter said grabbing the punch out of your hands and putting yours and his cups down on the table. "May I have this dance" Peter said bowing and stretching out his hand. " You may" you said giggling and taking his hand.

You and Peter danced or more like attempted to dance to the music when the song changed to a slow song. You and Peter got close, his hands on your waist and your arms around his shoulders and the two of you started to sway.

"You really do look beautiful tonight Y/N" Peter whispers into your ear. The sensation made you shiver and you replied thanking him. As the two of you swayed back and forth getting lost in the music you wished the two if you could stay like this forever, but all of that was ruined when something came crashing through the ceiling landing on the refreshment table. People were screaming running away but you turned around to see what it was.

When you saw what came through the ceiling you froze recognizing the figure. It was a man covered in a metal suit that had wings and talons exactly like the birdman from your dream. The one that killed Peter.

Well I bet a lot of you saw this coming but I mean it's a fan fiction so... anyway thank you all so much for waiting again I'm so sorry schools just been a bitch giving me a tone of homework and I've been really busy and by busy I mean watching The Last Jedi over and over again 😅😅 ok but for real I'm super sorry and I'll try to update sooner than I have been so you don't hate me. Thank you all so much again love you😙😙

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