Chapter 9

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You opend the door to the roof and were shoked at what you saw. You looked around and saw a blanket srounded by candles and in the center was Spiderman holding what looked to be some sort of sparkling drink with two glasses.

"Hey Y/N you like it" he said no doubt smirking under his mask.

"Oh Spiderman I love it no one's ever done something like this for me before" you reply smiling and walking towards him but feeling a little guilty. Spiderman put down the bottle and glasses and opened up his arms so the two of you could embrace. You gladly gave him a hug and he said

"Hey sorry I couldn't stay around longer at the Washington Monument but I had to leave before any one asked questions"

"it's fine I don't really want to talk about that right now though"

"yea I completely get it" he replies.

"Ok so I had an idea since I can't tell you my identity doesn't mean you don't have to not know me. So I decided every so often I'll give you permission to ask me one question".

"Hmm alright Spiderman" you reply laughing.

"Ok first question shoot" he says

"let me think um... Do you have a lot of friends or only a couple close ones"

"only a couple close ones" he replies

As the date goes on you ask more and more questions like what's your favorite color or do you have any hobbies. Not really meaningful ones not yet.

"Hey Y/N can we try something" Spiderman asks.

"Um sure" you reply.

"Ok well close your eyes and don't open them whatever you do". You close your eyes and you here him shuffling around when finally you feel his lips on yours. You jumped  and were about to open your eyes when he said "don't I took my mask off"

"oh" you reply and he kisses you deeper. You run your hands through his hair. It's so smooth and silky and you can tell that his hair is somewhat curly. But you can't help but wish he was Peter. you realise what your doing and pull away, the guilt you feel kissing him is just to much to bare. you have to tell him about Peter.

"I'm sorry Spiderman I... I can't do this" you say sadly eyes still closed.

"What Y/N What's wrong what did I do" Spiderman said hurt.

"You didn't do anything It's me the guilt is just to overwhelming I'm sorry" you say

"guilt?... what did you do" he replies voice cracking. Your heart is slowly breaking because it sounds like he's on the verge of tears.

"Look I'm sorry but I like someone else and have for a long time, You just temporary distracted me from him but facing near death made me realise that I Love him. I'm so sorry for doing this to you Spiderman you deserve better so much better and I wish we could still be friends but I get it if you don't want to be I wouldn't want to be friends with me ether." You say sadly.

"J..just tell who has y..your he..heart" he says now obviously crying.

"It's Peter... Peter Parker".

Wish You Were Here (Spider-man/Peter parker x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now