Chapter 28

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(Peters Pov)

After the rescue mission y/n was rushed to the Avengers base in order to get the best medical attention she could. It's been a week and I still haven't been able to see her. The constant worrying is starting to give me indigestion. While I haven't been able to see her I managed to sneak a peak at her medical file while the nurse wasn't looking. She is in pretty bad shape. She has five broken ribs, three on one side, two on the other, and one of the ribs had punctured her left lung. It would have killed her were it not for the expert doctors and state of the art technology we have access to. She also had a bullet lodged in her side which by some miracle avoided any major organs but caused her to lose a lot of blood. The last thing they found was a tracking device of some sort in her forearm. It seemed to have other uses than just tracking but the tech team has yet to figure out what. Those were the only life threatening injuries but now those were the least of my concerns. I was more worried about the mismatched scars scattered across her body. The report said her body was littered with a vast collection of scars made by many different tools. I cannot fathom the pain and torture she must have endured the past few months. I can't help but feel like it is all my fault. I mean she said it herself even if she wasn't in the right state of mind.

I haven't thought much about our fight because if I do I my head will explode. There are too many things that don't make sense. The words she said to me were filled with so much venom that you would have thought I was the one torturing her. I shiver at the thought as waves of concern and sadness flow through me. It doesn't make any sense why she would have said those things. Natasha and Rodney have been in the hospital as well because apparently y/n tried to kill them. I refuse to believe that until I am able to talk to her and get her side of the story. She was probably scared or confused. Who knows what she was actually seeing, Hydra probably had her full of drugs or something. Mr. Stark hasn't come to talk to me about it either so I am assuming we are waiting until she wakes up. 

I was in the middle of pouring some cereal into a bowl when FRIDAY's voice booms over the intercom. 

"Mr. Parker please make your way to the observation deck of the medical wing. She's awake."

"the observation deck?" I question aloud but I don't get a response. I immediately drop what I was doing and run towards y/n. 

(Normal Pov) 

The first thing you notice in your wavering consciousness is the soft cushioning you are laying on. You don't remember the last time you rested on a pillow let alone a bed. You think it is odd and aren't sure if you like how the bed consumes you. You open your eyes but are blinded by light. Quickly you go to shield your eyes from the light source when you notice that your "bracelets" have been replaced by thick metal cuffs with plenty of padding on the inside to protect your wrists. As you inspect the cuffs closer you notice they aren't linked to anything. You continue to look around the room noticing the white hospital bed you are lying in surrounded by glass walls. The room is eerily similar to the stadium Solovoy used to observe your body's reaction to the various injections. Suddenly your memories come flooding back to you as ice cold fear shoots through you. You didn't realize you could feel fear anymore but between the observation room you're in and being captured by literal demons it is only natural. Your breathing starts to quicken as you begin to feel genuine panic for the first time in what feels like forever. 

You shoot up in the bed you're in and wince as a pain in your chest protests to your movement. You ignore your body's desire to lie back down and you push the covers off of you. The same metal cuffs are also placed around your ankles but you pay them no mind as you get out of the bed as quickly as you can. You hear a woman's voice but are too focused on trying to get out of here as fast as possible to comprehend what she's saying. You look around for anything to grab and decide on a chair in the corner. Your body aches as you pick up the chair and throw it with all of your strength at one of the walls. The room doesn't seem to have any doors except for a small slot that you assume is for food. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2022 ⏰

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