Chapter 6

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"Alright team the Academic Decathlon is this Friday and I feel very confident that we will succeed but that doesn't mean you can slack off. these final four days of preparation are going to be very stressful for all of us. ok so today we're going to hold our own little Academic Decathlon against each other to find out who our strongest players are and they will be the ones competing on Friday. So first up Flash and Y/N vs Ned and Michelle". You grone. you knew Liz paired you up with Flash just to make your life a living hell.

"Wish me luck" you whisper to Peter as you get up and sit in one of the chairs with Flash next to you. You look towards Flash and he winked at you. You immediately faced forward and looked towards Peter "I'm so sorry" he mouthed to you.

"Alright what elements atomic number is four" Liz says. You immediately push the makeshift buzzer and say " beryllium". you sit back with a smug look on your face as Liz glares at you "correct" She says through gritted teeth.

After for what feels like forever the smartest people on the team where narrowed down to you, Peter, Ned ,Michelle, and Liz everyone else where like understudies.

"Ok great work. everybody who is on the final teem needs to go home and work extra hard on the flash cards we made well unless your Peter the smartest person on the team" Liz said looking over to Peter who was to busy sneaking glances at you to notice.

(Time Skip to DC)

"Alright kids here are your key cards to your rooms go get settled in and meet back here at 5:00 to go to dinner" Mr. Thomas said (I know that's not the teachers name but I couldn't find it so I came up with one)

You and Michelle were roommates since boys and girls couldn't share a room. As you finished unpacking you laid in your bed and asked

"so... what do you wanna do"

"I'm going to read" Michelle replied

"Ok then I'm going to go to see what Peter and Ned are up to so that's where I'll be if you need me" you said. Michelle was already reading so put her thumb up in acknowledgement.

You got to Peter and Ned's room and knocked on the door.

"Coming" you heard Ned yell, so you waited but heard a loud thud come from the other side of the door.

"Uh guys are you ok?" You ask

"fine just fine be right there" Peter replied. You put your ear to the door and heard Ned whisper

"shove it in your backpack"

"shove what in his backpack" you ask

"NOTHING nothing hold on for just one sec" Peter said. Finally after waiting for what seemed like forever the door finally opens.

"Heyyyy Y/N" Ned says letting you in.

"hey" you reply you look around the room to try and find anything suspicious but can't spot anything at first glance.

"what are you guys hiding from me" you ask

"uhh... IT'S A SURPRISE yea a surprise" Peter says.

"Ok then when do I get to know about said surprise"

"soon very soon we promise" Ned says. After you finished intaragating the two boys the three of you sat down and watched tv until it was time for dinner.

(Time Skip)

Everybody went back to there rooms and got ready for bed because tomorrow was a big day. You decided after you got ready for bed to go and watch the sun set on your balcony and just think. Even though Peter and Ned never meant to hurt your feelings they did. You hate when they keep things from you.

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