Chapter 23

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(Peters Pov)

As I walk down one of the various halls in the Avengers headquarters headed towards the conference room I run into the one and only Captain America. 

"Hey Queens" he says as he walks next to me. 

"H..hay Mr. Am.. america, er... Captain America how's it going"  I reply flustered because I'm worried that he hates me after what happened back in Berlin.

"please, call me Steve" he replied as he reaches out his hand for me to shake."it's nice to officially meet the kid who stole my shield".

"O..oh sorry about that, I really didn't mean any dis..." I was cut off  before I could ramble on. 

"I was just teasing. I was actually impressed by the amount of strength you have." I grab Steves hand and shake it. 

"T..thanks" I reply embarrassed. We arrive at the conference room and Steve opens the door and holds it open for me. "Thank you" I say as I quickly walk into the room and spot Mr. Stark along with War Machine, Falcon, and Black Widow. I walk over to Mr. Stark and find a seat next to him and sit down.

"Ok now that everybody is here we can begin" Mr. Stark says. "Ok Nat you did research on the possible locations they could be hiding Y/N in, what have you found".

"I went into Shields old database and found numerous Hydra facilities located all around the world, many of which we have destroyed. I contacted Fury asking him to send out spies to the varying locations that we haven't cleared yet and many came back as abandoned. Luckley our spies found four different locations that were actively being used. One is in Heidelberg, Germany one in Rostov, Russia one in Odessa, Texas and one in Zuni, New Mexico." She said manipulating the hologram to show the four locations. 

"Great work Nat keep doing research to try to pinpoint which specific location Y/N is at" Mr. Stark said "Cap. I'm putting you and bird branes in charge of figuring out how we are going to infiltrate the bases and the best strategy to safely clear out the ficality" 

"will do" Steve responded.

"bird branes my ass" I heard Sam mutter under his breath.

"Rodney I need you to go to the safe in Washington and collect everybody's gear so it will be at the ready when we need to leave in short notice I'm sending you the clearance code now" Mr. Stark said putting his glasses on and waving his hands in front of his face.

"Sure thing Tony" Rodney responded.

"Mr. Stark what about me" I ask as people start to get up and leave. 

"You and I are going to train so I can teach you how to properly use things like a gun" he responded. 

"B..but you said you needed an fresh perspective" I responded kind of disappointed. 

"Don't worry kid I'll have you look over the plan Steve and Sam are making once there done. I know you will have some good input to give them" he replies as we walk out of the conference room.

"Thanks Mr. Stark"

(Normal Pov) 

You look around and see that more people have accumulated around the glass room staring at the sight before them. 

"Now before you pass out due to the new injection I'll be giving you, I'm going to insert a tracker into your bicep". Solovoy said as he took the scalpel and lined it up with your right bicep. He cuts into your flesh without warning . You immediately recoil and try to pull your arm away but since you are strapped in you can't easily move.

"Don't move sweetheart or it's going to hurt a lot more" he said pushing down your shoulder. You scream into the gag as Solovoy cuts deeper into your arm. The searing pain in your arm has distracted you from the fact that people are watching this happen. You look over to your left and see through your tears people are laughing at your pain. 

This made you angry. 

Angry at the people laughing, angry at Solovoy who is slicing deeper into your arm, and especially angry at Peter who is probabully miles away sleeping in a comfortable bed not being tortured to insanity and subjecting you to this. If he had tried harder to save you so many nights ago you wouldn't be here. If he was stronger maybe he would have sacrificed himself and he would be here instea... you stopped your train of thought realizing what you were thinking. You were immediately flooded with guilt and sadness because of what you had just thought. You were so deep in it that you didn't realise Solovoy had stopped cutting your arm and was watching you. You only snapped out of it when Solovoy said 

"I saw the hatred in your eyes, that fire burning deep down in your core. I wonder if it was directed towards me... no? someone else. Perhaps our sessions really were getting to you after all". Solovoy had the most smug look on his face yet. You must look like the most pathetic creature in the world right now. You along with Solovoy didn't realize the effect the torture was having on your mind and now that it has come to light, you know Solovoy will exploit it.

"It felt good right, writhing in anger blaming other people for your problems. I suppose you think it is my fault you are suffering right now. That it's my fault you thought that way. Well it's not. If you hadn't been selfless you wouldn't be here, if Spider-man didn't pretend to love you you wouldn't be here, If your dad hadn't pitied you and sent you to an orphanage you wouldn't be here. So no it's not my fault you are suffering, it's life's fault. All life leads to suffering there is no escaping that.  The demon that is pain is inevitable for every human being including you, the sooner you see that the easier it will be to come to terms with it. once you do that you'll no longer feel pain. What a glorious day that will be when I create a new kind of human even more lethal than the Winter Soldier. We'll get there one day but, for now baby steps". After Solovoy stopped talking he immediately plunged the pill looking thing into your shoulder and started stitching you up. You screamed in pain as the needle pierced your skin over and over.

You tried to contemplated what Solovoy said as to not focus on the searing pain radiating from your arm. Solovoy was crazy, you had known that for a long time now but you couldn't deny the fact that some of what he said made sense. As Solovoy finished the stitches he walked behind you and attached multiple electrodes onto your head and down your neck. 

"If your wondering what these are for they are to ensure that when we inject you with this serum it will bind with your DNA and become a permanent part of you" He said placing the last one on your forehead. "Now I'm not going to lie to you this is going to hurt like a mother fucker but, I know that you will make it through. After all you are a stubborn bitch". 

After he said that, Solovoy lined up the needle with a vein in your arm and plunged the serum into your body. You felt the same burning sensation as before but this time it made you shake. your body was uncontrollably shaking as it rejected the liquid injected into your body. as soon as the shaking started you felt electricity flow from your brain all the way down to your toes. You screamed as your body fought the serum but with every electrical shock your body started to give up the fight more and more until finally you passed out. 

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