Chapter 17

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People were running left and right trying to go through every exit in the gym but there were big men stationed at every exit fully armed with extensive machinery. You stare at the birdman from your nightmare in shock as he scanned the crowd of fleeing students.  Peter quickly grabs your arm and pulled you with him under one of the tables covered with a tablecloth. You zoned, out thoughts running in your head like why is he here and  I thought he was just a dream. "Y/N" you heard Peter say "Y/N you still with me".

"y..yea its just that man he... he was from my nightmare. The one where I fell out of bed".  You looked at Peter with a worried look. "What, that's really weird." he replies peeking out from under the table cloth trying to find an exit. "we need to find a way out fast so I can go get my suit and so you can get to safety." You look angrily at Peter "but I want to help" you say. "Y/N why do you think there here for the fun of it? I don't think so, there here for you" he says looking at you seriously. You've never seen Peter like this he looked almost scared. "Ok what do we need to do" you ask ready to get out of here.  

"You see that guy by the emergency exit the one with the most students surrounding him" Peter asks. "Yea" you reply. "we need to get into that crowd and push our way to the front so the birdman won't see you and so we can easily get out since the guard will be overwhelmed."

"Got it but how do we get there without being seen by birdman" you ask. "were not that far we just have to look for a group of people running towards that door and blend in" Peter replied looking for a possible opening. "sounds easy enough" you say unsure.

"Now's our chance Y/N run" Peter says grabbing your arm again pulling you out from under the table. You quickly stood up and spot the people Peter was talking about and ran to join them. You quickly join the group and get to the far side so your face is covered from the birdman's gase. As you and Peter make it to the crowd of students you start pushing your way through the crowd. It surprised you by how hard it actually is to get through, with people being stubborn and pushing back. You see Peter has made it farther than you have so you decide to follow his lead and push through the same people he is. 

You and Peter finally make it to the guard and you see Flash yelling at the man. "GET THE HELL OUT OF MY WAY OLD MAN". "move kid or you'll get a bullet in your brain." the guard replied hearing the guard say that was enough for Flash and most others to back up, but you and Peter took this as an opportunity and attacked the guard taking one of his guns out of his holster and hitting him in the temple rendering him unconscious. You look towards Peter and see that he's opening the door and you quickly follow. "Y/N I think it's safe to say that there will be more guards patrolling the school so I grabbed us a gun here" Peter said holding out a gun. "one step ahead of you Pete but I'll take it just incase." you reply grabbing the gun and putting it down the front of your bra so you can easily grab it but it remains hidden.  

You and Peter make you way to his  locker where his backup suit and webs are. Peter quickly lifts up the row of lockers and grabs his things running to staff bathroom pulling you inside and locking the door. He quickly starts to strip and you turn around to give him his privacy.

After a while Peter says "Ok I'm done you can turn around". you turn and notice that Peter's  mask is still off so you walk over and give him a peck on the lips. "Y..Y/N we d...don't have time to do that right now" Peter says blushing. "I know I just.. it was just in case we don't get the chance to do it again..." you trailed off looking down. "Y/N don't say that everything will be fine" Peter says reassuringly. "I know" you say taking his mask from his hand and putting it on his head "lets go kick some ass Spidey". 

You and Peter leave the bathroom and start running towards the schools back exit because the front exit is most likely swarming with guards. You and Peter reach the door but before Peter could open it you said "Peter I love you". he stops and turns around and says "I love you too now let's do this" he said and you went outside.

Wish You Were Here (Spider-man/Peter parker x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now