Chapter 1

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You were walking into school and heading towards your locker which was conveniently on the other side the hall from your best friend/crush Peter Parker. As you closed your locker Peter was opening his.

"Hey Peter" you say happily. "Oh hey Y/N how's it going" he replies.

"good you?"

"I'm fine thanks, just a little tired from the stark internship" he says "Yea I totally get it my dad's a slavedriver" you whispered the last part.

You and Peter laughed as Ned walked up "guys you'll never guess what I got last night" he says."what" you replied intrigued.

"THE LEGO DEATH STAR!!!" Ned responded excitedly. "Oh my god really!?" you said "how many pieces does it have" Peter asks "4,016" Ned replies "wicked" you said.

"Do you guys want to come over and build it together" Ned asked "sorry cant I have the Stark internship" Peter replied. "aww to bad Y/N what about you"

"Sorry my dad's taking me out to dinner tonight he said he has to tell me something" you say. Suddenly the bell rang interrupting your conversation.

"Alrighty then see you guys later" you said
"Bye Y/N" Peter says closing his locker and walking away with Ned

(Time Skip to lunch)

"Did Liz get a new top" Peter says looking at Liz. You sigh you really hate this girl . "No she's just never worn it with that skirt" Ned replies. Both boys are in a trance looking at Liz while you were listening to them gawk about her. She's not even in our grade you thought.

"uh... guys I'm still here" you said waving your hands in front of their faces trying to get there attention, but it wasn't working. You came up with an idea it was kinda mean but desperate times call for desperate measures. "Guys Flash asked me out today and I think I'm going to say yes" 

"WHAT Y/N YOU CAN'T" Peter yells. Finally you thought as you rolled your eyes.

"and why not" you say in return "be..because you j..just can't" Peter says. "Y/N he bullies us remember" Ned says finding the only thing wrong  with your statement"alright you caught me he didn't ask me out... but even if he did I would say no" you reply "GOOD" Peter says a little to loudly.

(Time Skip because the author is lazy)

You unlocked the door to your penthouse and immediately sensed a presence. You slowly entered and dropped your bags on the floor. As you were turning the corner to enter your living room someone jumped out in front of you.

"Boo" the stranger yelled and Immediately you took the strangers arm and flipped him on his back. The stranger groaned in pain "easy there kiddo don't want to hurt your old man do you". You let out a sigh of relief "oh god dad you can't go scaring me like that" you said helping him up.  "That was a great move though I've taught you well my padawan" Tony replied in a wiser voice. "It's good to see you" you said hugging your father "it's good to see you to kiddo" he replied. "Alright who's ready to go try this new French restaurant that just opened up".

(Time Skip)

After a fun night catching up with your dad you headed home. "Y/N remember when I told you that I had to tell you something"

"Yea but why did you wait until now to tell me"

"Because I don't think your going to like it" "oh" you replied "ok so... I got a letter in the mail and It said we know"  "we know what" you said "that's all it said but the part that worries me is that there was a hydra logo as the signature" your dad said solimely "Oh... that's not good what are you going to do" " I'm going to protect you and by protecting you I mean that your not going to live here" "WHAT YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING ME YOU CAN'T BE SERIOUS" you replied. What about Peter and Ned and school and keeping Liz away from peter. "No I'm not kidding but I think your going to like where you'll be staying" your dad replied "yea right I'm not going to like staying at a ten star hotel getting mani-pedis all day long and eating caviar by the pool dad. I don't want that I want to be normal I want to stay here" " as tempting as that sounds that's not where your staying your staying with Peter" Tony said smugly "wait really" you were so happy " thankyouthankyouthankyou I love you so much" "I love you to kiddo and tomorrow go home with Peter your stuff should be there by then."

Tony's phone ran "I have to leave pumpkin and I probably won't see you for a wile so I love you, watch your back, and stay safe ok" "ok" you said and headed off to bed.

Ok i know this chapter was a mess but the others shouldn't be.

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