Chapter 14

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Warning slight mature content

It's been one month since the attempted kidnapping and nothing has happened since then. Homecoming is coming up soon and Peter hasn't asked you out yet but you don't mind since its pretty much implied that you'll go together since your dating.

You and Peter are walking to  chemistry together and you say "soooo Peter Homecomings coming up pretty soon" "wait really  I totally forgot when is it" Peter replies shocked "next week" you said glaring at him. "Oh" he replies "are we going" "I don't know are we" you reply getting a little frustrated. "Well..." Peter started when all of a sudden Flash comes out of nowhere saying "penis parker what up". Peter death glares him and you say "piss off Flash". "Aww your girlfriend has to protect you since you can't protect yourself how cute, hey Y/N If you ever get tired of having to protect this pussy you can always come to me I can give you a much more... exciting relationship." Flash says getting way too close for comfort.

Peter now infuriated gets in between the two of you and pushes Flash away from you. "DON'T YOU DARE LAY A FINGER ON HER" He yells. You've never seen Peter like this even when Flash bullied you before but you could tell this time is different. You were kinda scared but at the same time you thought it was extremely hot.

"Woah there penis parker I was just messing with ya" Flash says backing off a little "I SWAIR..." Peter started but realized that people were staring and lowers his voice "I swear to god Flash if you don't leave us the fuck alone you'll regret it".

Flash just smirked "I'll regret what, what are you going to do penis parker are you going to zap me with your mind powers" he said laughing. At this point Peter was furious. You could tell he was about to explode and possibly expose his secret so you decided to intervene. You stepped in front of Peter and put your hands on his chest. "Peter please he's not worth it" you say "But Y/N he" "NO Peter stop forget him let's go". Peter finally gives up and as the two of you start to walk away Flash yells "Y/N the offer still stands". You stop walking and Peter looks at you "Y/N?" he asks. You look at him and turn around "Flash I will never accept your offer so go bug someone else". You turn around and storm off with Peter.

(Time Skip to After School)

All day Peter has been relatively quiet even more so than usual, you decided not to bring up the Flash incident since it seemed to really lower Peters self-esteem. You and Peter were studying in his room when out of no where Peter asks "Y/N about what Flash said" "what? Why are you bringing this up now" you ask "Y/N it's just..."

"Peter you know I would never accept his offer I already have the best boyfriend and Flash has been a huge jerk to me and to you ever since I can remember" you say putting your textbook down. "Yea I know that but..."

"no buts Peter I love you and I always will, now don't think for one second that I would ever consider ditching you for Flash I mean your Spiderman... well that's not why I like you it's just a... You know what I'm going to stop talking" you say. You here Peter start to laugh and look up "what's so funny Parker" you laugh poking him. "Nothing it's just your so cute and I'm stupid for letting Flash get to me like this" he says looking into your E/C eyes. "Y/N I love you so much". Peter says as he puts his textbook down and grabs you. You squeak a little out of surprise as Peter crashes your lips together. Your shocked at his actions but kiss back almost immediately. You can feel Peter try to gain entrance into your mouth but you playfully deny.

He slowly pushes you to the ground and gets on top of you pinning your hands above your head. Peter breaks the kiss and you say "I love you to". After you said that Peter kisses you one last time before trailing down towards your neck. He's looking for your sweet spot leaving bruises along the way. Suddenly You feel a jolt of electricity and you moan. Peter stops and says "found it" you can feel his voice vibrate against your skin and you can practically hear the smile on his voice. As he continues to kiss your sweet spot you grab the back of his hair and pull. This makes Peter grone and pull away to look at you. You take advantage of this and quickly switch positions with Peter so he's on the ground. You start to kiss his neck when you hear the front door open and May yell "I'M HOME AND I BROUGHT DINNER". You get off Peter and sigh "just when it was about to get good" he whispers in your ear. "Peter" you whisper yell. "Come on let's go eat" he says getting up "Oh Y/N you might want to put on a scarf" Peter laughs and walks out the door. You blush and look in the mirror to see multiple bruises on your neck. Dammit Peter you think to yourself.

(Time Skip)

You wake up to the sound of the window closing and see a figure hanging from the ceiling "hey Peter" you whisper with a groggy voice."shit sorry Y/N I tried not to wake you" he says falling to the ground "it's fine... so how was patrol" you ask "good nothing that bad happened just a purse thief and a bank robber... uh Y/N why are you in my bed" Peter asks "because I missed you" you say. Peter takes off his Spiderman suit and comes over to you "mind if I join you" he asks. "Not at all" you say scooting over and pulling back the bed sheets. Peter gets in and raps his arms around you. "Goodnight my love" he says "Goodnight" you say falling asleep in his arms.

Hey guys I'm SOOOOOO SORRY for not updating in forever it's just school has been hell and I haven't had any free time in FOREVER. Right now I'm in Thanksgiving break so hopefully I will update one more time before Monday but after that I probably won't update untill Christmas break. I am so sorry for making you guys wait and I feel terrible. I am so thankful for all of you for waiting patiently for me to upload and I am so sorry. So saddily  updates will probauly continue to be slow but I do plan on finishing this book. Also things between Y/N and Peter are about to get realy exciting. Once again thank you so much I love you all😙😙

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