Chapter 6

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"But why can't I come with you?" Redkit protested loudly.

Several sunrises later, Minnowpaw was preparing to leave camp with Tawnyclaw, Ashflower, and Sorrelstream for the sunhigh patrol. The late newleaf sun bore down on them, making Minnowpaw's pelt bristle uncomfortably in the heat. She was sure that greenleaf couldn't be far off.

"Because you're not an apprentice yet," Tawnyclaw explained to the young tom. Minnowpaw's mentor was trying to be calm, but Minnowpaw could see the frustration in his eyes. Redkit had been begging to come on a patrol since dawn, and wouldn't take no for an answer.

"But I'm basically an apprentice!" Redkit carried on. "My naming ceremony is today! You have to let me come with you!"

Minnowpaw's whiskers twitched with amusement. She wondered if Redkit would retain his enthusiasm when they were sharing a den. It had been lonely since Ashstar had made Mudpelt and Sorrelstream warriors. Minnowpaw had to admit that it felt strange to be the only apprentice in the den; that only brought back her worry about the growing strength of the other Clans. But she was glad that Redkit and his littermates would be joining her soon.

Sorrelstream jumped in, speaking calmly to the whining kit, "Right, but you're not an apprentice quite yet. But you also shouldn't be acting like a newborn kit, either. Trust me, there will be plenty of patrols for you." Her eyes lit up mischievously. "In fact, you'll probably be put on so many patrols that you'll be begging your mentor to let you clean out the elders' den."

Redkit scrunched his nose in disgust at the thought of changing the elders' bedding, then jumped up again. "Who do you think my mentor will be?" he asked excitedly.

The four cats shrugged together, and Tawnyclaw began padding towards the camp entrance, flicking his tail for the patrol to follow. Redkit looked crestfallen, so Minnowpaw called back to him, "Don't worry! We'll be back in time for your ceremony!"

As the patrol wove through the ferns and reeds, Ashflower joked, "I feel sorry for whoever gets Redkit as an apprentice. That tom's going to be a pawful."

"My guess is it will be one of the younger warriors," Sorrelstream meowed. Quickly she added, "I don't mean me! I'm definitely not ready for an apprentice yet."

Minnowpaw nodded, understanding what her friend meant. "Maybe Flamepelt," she suggested. "He'd have the energy to deal with Redpaw."

"He's very young," Tawnyclaw mused. "But you might be right."

The patrol paused on the WindClan border to reset the scent markers. Minnowpaw peered downstream and gulped at the sight of the gorge, where the river fell swiftly down into the depths of the rocky chasm. She could only imagine what would happen if any cat fell that far.

"You've been spending a lot of time with Flamepelt," Sorrelstream teased Minnowpaw.

"Yes, I had noticed that," Ashflower put in, nudging her daughter affectionately.

Minnowpaw flushed. It was true that Flamepelt and Minnowpaw had been on nearly every hunting and border patrol together lately, but she couldn't help the cats that Shadebelly assigned to patrols! "It's really just a coincidence," she mumbled, embarrassed. She had to admit, though, that she enjoyed the orange warrior's company.

Realizing that Sorrelstream, Ashflower, and Tawnyclaw were all staring at her in amusement, Minnowpaw pushed ahead of them. "Come on," she meowed, trying to turn the conversation away. "Let's finish the patrol!"

The RiverClan cats followed the path of the river, walking upstream to curve around the edge of their territory. They stopped to mark the boundaries again just across from Sunningrocks, and they also took the chance to lap up a few mouthfuls of the cold, clear water. Minnowpaw basked in the refreshing taste as it coated her tongue. It was a welcome comfort from the sun beating down overhead.

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