Chapter 17

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 It was nearly sunset when Sorrelstream and Minnowpaw returned to camp. Minnowpaw was tired, but no more than she would have been before her accident. Her heart soared as she realized that she was completely better; she could get back to her life now.

Sorrelstream had led her straight to the river, not thinking before doing so, and the sight of it had stopped Minnowpaw in her tracks. All she could remember upon seeing it was the rush of the waves in her ears and the choking sensation of drowning. But the river had been peaceful, bubbling along lightly, and after a moment Minnowpaw had been okay again. She fished from the bank, not stepping in or diving, but managed to catch one fish. On the way back, she'd also caught a juicy water vole. She and Sorrelstream were happy and satisfied as they got back to share their catch with Reedkit, Beechkit, Specklekit, and Breezekit.

The four kits tumbled out of the nursery, already looking almost big enough to be apprentices. They approached Sorrelstream eagerly, but looked more cautious when they saw that Minnowpaw was there, too.

Sorrelstream didn't give them a chance to say anything. She exclaimed, "Look what we brought for you!" She dropped a fat fish at their paws, and the four young cats' eyes gleamed.

Minnowpaw had dropped her fish on the fresh-kill pile but kept the water vole. She sat with Sorrelstream and the kits and watched, amused, as they dug in. She took a bite out of her vole and basked in the rich flavor.

"What's that?" Breezekit asked her. His black and white pelt was ruffled from playing.

"A water vole," Minnowpaw replied, pushing the creature towards him with her paw. "Want to try it? It's my favorite."

Breezekit gingerly took a bite, eyes widening. "It's delicious!" he exclaimed, diving back in for more.

Purring with amusement, Minnowpaw shared the water vole with the young kit, glad that his wariness around her had gone away. In fact, all four kits seemed to relax as they ate and shared tongues with the two older cats. The sun eventually dipped below the tree line, and soon after that Breezekit had fallen asleep against Minnowpaw. His flank rose and fell evenly as he slept.

Cherryheart had joined them, and was now bathing Specklekit as she also dozed off. The moon was beginning to rise, nearly full again, and Minnowpaw found herself watching the entrance to the camp in anticipation.

"They likely won't be back until much later," Cherryheart said softly, taking Minnowpaw's attention away.

"I know," Minnowpaw sighed. "I just can't stand the waiting." It had been easier during the day, when she'd spent her time with Flamepelt and then Sorrelstream, but as the camp descended into sleep, all she could think about was the return of the Highstones patrol. "Honestly, I don't know if I'm waiting for Silverheart or Tawnyclaw more," she admitted.

Cherryheart's gaze was understanding. "You're ready to start training again," she observed. Minnowpaw nodded. "But aren't you curious to hear what Silverheart has to tell us?"

Minnowpaw shrugged. "A little, I guess. But does it really matter? I know that what happened was weird, but it's already passed. Whether or not StarClan has an explanation, it's over now, right?" More softly, she said, "I just want things to get back to normal."

Minnowpaw awoke just before dawn, realizing that she had fallen asleep in the clearing, along with Sorrelstream, Cherryheart, and the kits. Breezekit lay curled close to Minnowpaw, snoring lightly. Blinking and yawning, Minnowpaw purred at the sight of him.

Thankfully, no more strange dreams had disturbed Minnowpaw's sleep. She couldn't stop thinking about the eeriness of the dream she'd had previously, and couldn't begin to understand what it meant. Maybe it didn't mean anything, she thought. Maybe it was just a dream. After all, StarClan doesn't send dreams to ordinary cats; just leaders and medicine cats. That thought reassured Minnowpaw a bit.

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