Chapter 8

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Once they were out of sight of the river, Minnowpaw stopped and set her fresh-kill down. "I wasn't in ThunderClan territory, I swear!" she meowed, hoping he believed her.

Tawnyclaw paused. "I know," he answered. "That Copperfoot is looking for a fight, but I didn't think he'd ever attack an apprentice."

Minnowpaw shook her head. "I don't know why he did. I was fishing in the river. I mean, I saw a mouse on the edge of Sunningrocks, but I wasn't going to catch it! That would be breaking the warrior code."

Tawnyclaw nodded. "I know," he repeated. "I believe you. I'm just glad I got there in time."

Minnowpaw agreed. Copperfoot could have easily killed her, she thought darkly.

Tawnyclaw looked Minnowpaw up and down and said, "Let's get back to camp. You need to get your wounds taken care of. That one on your shoulder looks pretty deep."

Through her anger and the adrenaline of fighting, Minnowpaw hadn't noticed the ugly gash on her right shoulder. It was dripping heavily onto the forest floor, and she suddenly felt the weight of her pain bearing down on her. Wincing, she nodded and followed Tawnyclaw back to camp. Her mentor stopped to pick up the vole Minnowpaw had caught earlier; she'd forgotten about it.

Once back in camp, Minnowpaw and Tawnyclaw were greeted by gasps and shocked looks. Ashstar, sharing a bit of fresh-kill with Shadebelly outside his den, jumped up and rushed towards them. "What happened?" he asked sharply.

"Minnowpaw was attacked in the river by a ThunderClan warrior," Tawnyclaw explained. "He accused her of stealing prey, but she never even set a paw on Sunningrocks."

Ashstar's gaze flicked to Minnowpaw. "Is this true?"

Minnowpaw nodded quickly.

Her leader eyed her pelt- bloody, wet, and torn- and said, "Go see Nightwhisper, quickly."

Minnowpaw headed to the medicine den, dropping off her prey on her way there. She was limping now, and once she got to the medicine den, she stumbled and fell over.

"What in StarClan's name happened to you?" Nightwhisper gasped. At the back of the den, Silverheart poked her head out from the herb stores, eyes wide as she beheld the silver apprentice.

Minnowpaw quickly explained what had happened as Nightwhisper looked her over, shaking his head the entire time. Her wound was blazing with pain. "ThunderClan," he muttered. "I can't believe a warrior would stoop so low."

Minnowpaw bared her teeth as Nightwhisper's tongue met the gash on her shoulder, clearing it of debris and already-drying blood. "I'm lucky Tawnyclaw was watching my assessment," she meowed, repeating her mentor's words. "I thought Copperfoot was going to kill me," she admitted.

"Well, it certainly seems like he tried to," Nightwhisper mewed. "This wound here is pretty deep. Silverheart, bring some marigold so I can make a poultice. And cobwebs to cover it." Looking back at Minnowpaw, he added, "The poultice will be to keep it from getting infected, and the cobwebs will stop the bleeding and help hold it shut while it heals. But I want you to check in with me everyday so I can reapply the poultice and make sure it heals okay. A wound like this could turn sour easily." Minnowpaw nodded. "And I don't want you training until it's healed," Nightwhisper finished.

Minnowpaw gaped at him. No training? What was she supposed to do? Before she could protest, Tawnyclaw's voice sounded at the entrance, "I agree, Minnowpaw. You need to heal before you get back to your training." He entered the den, followed by Ashstar.

"Ah, Tawnyclaw," Nightwhisper meowed, eyeing his wounds. "Let me get a look at your wounds, too."

"I'm alright," Minnowpaw's mentor said. "Minnowpaw did most of the fighting." In his eyes gleamed the slightest hint of pride.

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