Chapter 27

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Minnowpaw had never known darkness like this. It seemed to swallow all light and beg for more. She couldn't even see her nose through the blackness of the cave, but still she padded on, growing more anxious with each pawstep. She was aware of the ground sloping downwards, and the tunnel started to narrow. Panic set in; was she going the right way? Surely the tunnel didn't close up ahead? Where was the Moonstone?

Minnowpaw shoved her fear away; she couldn't afford to be scared, not now. No, now she needed answers. And finally, after what felt like moons, cool air hit Minnowpaw's face and the tunnel widened into a cave. She could see a hole in the top of the cave, and Silverpelt shining above. In the middle of the cave was a magnificent stone that stood two tail-lengths high and glittered faintly under the dim light of Silverpelt; the Moonstone!

Taking a deep breath, Minnowpaw stepped forward to the stone, only to be suddenly blinded as the moon in the sky came into position over the hole in the cave roof. The Moonstone shone and dazzled like pure ice, and it took Minnowpaw's breath away. She panted, trying to recover from the shock, and stared at the stone. What was she supposed to do now? How was she supposed to speak with StarClan?

Minnowpaw tried to remember the stories about Clan leaders and medicine cats visiting the Moonstone. What did they do when they came here? Then she remembered; they lay down and put their nose to the stone. She supposed she should do the same. So, nervous and a little scared, Minnowpaw approached the stone, laid down in front of it, closed her eyes and touched her nose to it.

Immediately the cave was gone, and a breeze ruffled her fur. Opening her eyes, Minnowpaw saw that she was on the moor, and it was still nighttime. The stars looked weak and dim here, and it was warm. Was this StarClan?

"You've come," a gruff voice sounded behind her, startling her. Whipping around, pelt fluffed out, Minnowpaw saw a cat facing her. He was a large brown tabby tom with stars in his fur. A StarClan warrior!

Relaxing, she mewed, "Yes. Why did you call me here?"

The tom huffed. "You think we called you?"

Minnowpaw tilted her head to the side. "Didn't you? I- I saw Mothermouth and felt something pulling me to it. And Silverheart saw the same thing!" She was beginning to panic again; had they been wrong?

Rolling his eyes, the tom meowed, "We did not summon you. You simply came because it was necessary." His tone was unfriendly.

"But why?" Minnowpaw pleaded. "Please tell me you have answers! I need to know what's happening!" Her throat tightened and her voice dropped as she whispered, "They're- they're all dead."

"The answers were there the whole time!" the tom spat, his yellow eyes glowing with anger. "But you were too fish-brained to believe them! Did you just think that your medicine cat was lying to you?"

Minnowpaw gasped, eyes widening. "You don't mean..." she trailed off. Gulping, she went on. "Nightwhisper was right? I'm cursed?"

"Of course you're cursed!" he hissed. "You drowned in the river and returned to your life with no explanation! And yet you kept thinking it was a miracle from StarClan! You're a cursed cat, and yes, your Clanmates died because of it!"

Minnowpaw's heart thundered in her chest, and her vision was blinded by the memories of Shadebelly's body, then Breezekit's, then Flamepelt's. Her chest tightened; Nightwhisper had been right about everything, and now this StarClan cat was confirming it. All those cats were dead because of her.

"That's enough!" came another voice from farther away. Turning her head, Minnowpaw saw a beautiful white starry she-cat padding gracefully over a rise on the moor. She held her head high, with her gaze pinned on Minnowpaw and the brown tom as she neared them. "I should have known better than to let you take care of this, Hawkshade," she said to the tom, who rolled his eyes at her.

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