Chapter 16

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 The camp was silent for several long moments. The rain eased further, and the sun shone weakly through the clouds over the horizon. Clearing his throat, Shadebelly said for the Clan to hear, "Alright, let's get the patrols going. Sweetstripe, Mudpelt, Nettlestep, and Cinderpaw will be the dawn patrol. Twigtail, take Cloudsplash and Birchclaw for a hunting patrol." As the Clan broke up, Minnowpaw felt a little upset that she hadn't been placed on a patrol. If Nightwhisper had released her from the medicine den, surely she was ready to get back to Clan life?

Then she saw Shadebelly approaching her. He looked unsure but sympathetic as he said, "When Tawnyclaw gets back, you can resume your training."

Minnowpaw nodded. "But can't I leave camp now?" she asked.

Pawsteps sounded and Minnowpaw saw Flamepelt approaching, Redpaw at his heels. "You can come watch our training session," he invited warmly. He added to Shadebelly, "As long as it's okay."

Shadebelly's whiskers twitched. "That's fine with me," he said. "If you're feeling up to it, maybe joining in would be good for you."

"Thanks, Shadebelly!" Minnowpaw dipped her head respectfully to the deputy, overjoyed. She'd finally get to leave camp! She felt like racing all the way to Fourtrees; although she wasn't as strong as she used to be, she felt like most of her energy had returned. She just needed to use it.

She bounded along next to Redpaw as Flamepelt led the way to the training clearing. Surprisingly, she was able to keep up, and was just barely out of breath when they arrived. Birds sang through the trees and Minnowpaw felt so alive. She sat on the edge of the clearing and wrapped her tail neatly around her paws as Flamepelt started the lesson.

"Okay, I'm going to show you how to get back up when an enemy warrior has you pinned down," he began to Redpaw. The young tom listened eagerly as Flamepelt explained the move. Minnowpaw felt a surge of pride as she listened to her friend; he was such a good mentor! She was so happy for him. "Now try it," he instructed Redpaw.

Flamepelt began by pinning Redpaw to the ground, his teeth on the red cat's throat and his paws on Redpaw's shoulders. Minnowpaw watched closely as Redpaw executed the move; he thrust his back paws up, colliding with Flamepelt's underbelly, dislodging the ginger warrior just enough for Redpaw to jump up. Not giving him any time to retaliate, Redpaw launched himself onto Flamepelt and dug his paws into his mentor's back, pinning him in return.

Flamepelt purred loudly. "Very well done!" he praised. Minnowpaw had to admit she was impressed. "Now get off me, you lump!"

Redpaw stepped back, looking proud. "Was that good?"

"It was excellent!" Flamepelt explained. "What do you think, Minnowpaw?"

Minnowpaw purred. "It was perfect!" she agreed. Deep down, she felt a little jealous as her previous fears came to life: her denmates had caught up to her in their training, and had maybe even surpassed her. But she didn't voice her feelings. She knew it wouldn't be fair to Redpaw.

"Would you like to join in?" Flamepelt invited Minnowpaw. His eyes gleamed.

Minnowpaw nodded eagerly. Her paws itched to do something. "Yes, please!"

Flamepelt nodding, purring again. "Okay, Redpaw, try to take Minnowpaw down," he said. "Use everything you've learned so far."

Nodding, Redpaw faced Minnowpaw. Minnowpaw dug her claws into the ground, preparing for the younger apprentice's attack. When he launched, Minnowpaw dodged clumsily and was unable to turn fast enough to block Redpaw's second leap. He bowled her over and pinned her down with his teeth on her scruff.

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