Chapter 9

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 Minnowpaw was ducking to pick up a fish from the fresh-kill pile when the ferns at the entrance to the camp rustled and the sunhigh patrol returned. Nettlestep led, followed by Flamepelt and their apprentices. Redpaw was proudly carrying a large vole. Flamepelt nodded to him and the young tom bounded over to the elders' den to share his kill. Flamepelt joined Minnowpaw at the fresh-kill pile, eyes widening as he beheld her pelt, scratched and slicked with poultices.

"What happened to you?" he gasped.

As Minnowpaw yet again went over her encounter with Copperfoot, Flamepelt's gaze turned angry. Minnowpaw had never seen her friend look like this, but now his fur was bristling and he raked the dirt under paw mercilessly with his claws. "What a fox-heart," he growled.

Minnowpaw nodded in agreement. "But I'm fine now," she said quickly, unnerved by the darkness in Flamepelt's golden eyes. "Tawnyclaw showed up and helped me drive him off. I've got to let this wound heal, which means no training. But I'm fine, really."

Flamepelt looked as if he wanted to say something else, but he just said, "Okay, then."

"I was just about to take some fresh-kill to Cherryheart and see the new kits," Minnowpaw explained. "Have you seen them yet?"

Flamepelt shook his head, all the malice gone from his gaze. "Not yet. I've been busy all day with Redpaw. I never thought being a mentor would be so exhausting," he admitted.

Minnowpaw flicked his ears affectionately with her tail. "Well, get used to it," she joked. "This was just day one. Come on, we can go see the kits together." Picking up the fattest fish she could find, she headed for the nursery, Flamepelt less than a tail-length behind.

The nursery was warm, filled with milk-scent that reminded Minnowpaw of her kit days. Cherryheart lay curled in the center of it, four tiny kits suckling at her belly. Ashflower sat behind Cherryheart, stroking the queen's flank with her tail. Both she-cats looked up as Minnowpaw and Flamepelt entered.

"I brought this for you," Minnowpaw said softly, not wanting to disturb the precious bundles.

"Thank you so much," Cherryheart purred, immediately taking a bite. "I've never been so hungry in my life!" Though exhausted, her gaze was soft and happy.

"Shouldn't you be resting?" Ashflower said to Minnowpaw, looking concerned. The whole Clan probably knew about the fight by now.

Minnowpaw shrugged. "I couldn't wait to see the kits," she explained. Although her shoulder was screaming in pain, and she felt as though her paws wouldn't hold her up much longer, the sight of the kits was giving her a new strength. "They look so perfect," she breathed, and stepped aside so Flamepelt could get a better look. The orange tom purred softly at the sight of them.

Ashflower was watching the two cats with an unreadable look in her eyes, equal parts fondness, mischief, and something else Minnowpaw couldn't quite place.

"Have you given them names yet?" Flamepelt asked, to which Cherryheart nodded.

"Yes, Cloudsplash and I named them this morning," she meowed. "This one is Specklekit," she gestured to the little tortoiseshell she-kit. Next were two black-and-white kits, one tom and one she-kit. "The tom is Breezekit, and the she-kit is Reedkit. And the gray tom is Beechkit." Her gaze was loving as she looked at them.

"Those names are wonderful," Minnowpaw mewed, then let out a massive yawn.

Ashflower stood and crossed the den, licking Minnowpaw affectionately on the top of her head. "You need to get some rest," she meowed seriously. "That wound has to heal properly." Her tone grew darker as she muttered, "If only I could go to ThunderClan and get my claws on that tom myself."

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