Chapter 19

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Three sunrises later, Ashstar gave RiverClan an announcement that both shocked and excited them. It came just a day after a patrol had a run-in with a ThunderClan hunting patrol dangerously close to the border. Ashstar stood tall and proud on the meeting rock and yowled, "It is time we take back Sunningrocks!"

    He was met with silence at first as everyone took in the news, then an outburst of cheering. No one objected to the idea; Ashflower had just had her kits, two toms and a she-kit, and the Clan was strong and growing. Everyone was tired of the other Clans thinking RiverClan was weak, and Minnowpaw too was more than ready to prove them wrong. She'd been training tirelessly with Tawnyclaw, at last feeling like she was catching up to her denmates.

    Once the cacophony of cheering had died down, Ashstar went on. "ThunderClan stole Sunningrocks back while I was still RiverClan's deputy, and since receiving my nine lives I have yet to put things right. I cannot hope to serve my Clan to the fullest if I can't even grant them their own territory to hunt on. ThunderClan has had control of Sunningrocks for far too long; it's time to take back what is rightfully ours!"

    His speech further fueled the Clan, giving them new vigor and life that they hadn't felt in moons. Minnowpaw was a little surprised by Ashstar's words; she'd only ever seen the peaceful, diplomatic side of her leader. This was completely new, but it made her even more in awe of him.

    "Who will be on the attack patrol?" Twigtail called over the Clan, his words silencing them.

    "Normally, I would say that we shouldn't outright expect a battle," Ashstar began, "but StarClan knows ThunderClan won't give up so easily. So we'll take two patrols; I will lead the first to declare our right to the rocks, and a second will back us up."

    "Will every cat be fighting, then?" Birchclaw asked.

    Ashstar shook his head. "No. Although I doubt any cats from ThunderClan would circle around and attack the camp, I would still like a small patrol to stay and defend the elders and the nursery. My patrol will consist of myself, Twigtail, Nettlestep, Tawnyclaw, Cinderpaw, and Minnowpaw."

    Minnowpaw nearly jumped for joy when Ashstar said her name. She'd be part of it, and on the first patrol at that! Ashstar went on, saying, "Shadebelly will lead the backup patrol. I want him to take Birchclaw, Mudpelt, Maplenose, Pebblenose, Bristlepelt, and Poppypaw. That means Sorrelstream, Sweetstripe, Cloudsplash, Flamepelt, and Redpaw will remain behind to defend the camp." Redpaw looked a little crestfallen, but Flamepelt nudged him gently and murmured something, and he perked back up a bit.

    "When will we leave?" Tawnyclaw asked from beside Minnowpaw. He looked as if he'd jump into battle with ThunderClan now. Minnowpaw wondered if he was looking forward to sinking his claws into Copperfoot.

    "We will set foot on the rocks at sunhigh tomorrow," Ashstar mewed firmly. It was nearly sunset now. "I expect all of you to eat and rest before then, and if you feel the need to prepare at all, do it. That's all." He jumped down from the rock and disappeared into his den, beckoning Shadebelly to follow him.

    "Do you think you're ready?" Tawnyclaw asked Minnowpaw, but not in a concerned way.

    A fire was spreading quickly throughout Minnowpaw's body as the anticipation of the next day overcame her. She was more than ready, she knew. "Yes," she said firmly to her mentor, and his whiskers twitched.

    He meowed, "I'd like to get in a quick training session before the nightfall. Then make sure you eat some fresh-kill and get plenty of sleep, okay?"

    Nodding, Minnowpaw followed Tawnyclaw out of camp for one last battle practice.

    The next day came quickly, and Minnowpaw woke early to find that everyone else was waking as well. The camp was bustling as an early hunting patrol brought a load of fresh-kill for the battle patrols, and Silverheart had Redpaw and Poppypaw dashing around, laying out piles of herbs for wounded cats. Cherryheart was scolding her kits as they ran around the camp excitedly, begging to go into battle.

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