Chapter 21

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Several days later, Minnowpaw woke from yet another fitful night of sleep. She could hardly close her eyes anymore without seeing Shadebelly's frightened eyes and lifeless body. What sleep she did get was plagued by nightmares. Daytime wasn't much better, either; the whole Clan had been tense since Shadebelly's death; Ashstar didn't leave his den as much, and when he did he always looked tired and sad. By now it was clear how Minnowpaw's Clanmates felt about her. Mudpelt, Pebblenose, and Nightwhisper were completely avoiding her, and whenever they saw her they stared at her distrustingly. Blacktail was even more sour than usual, and had actually requested that she let the other apprentices take care of him and Troutleap. Troutleap himself was still nothing but nice to her.

    Even Minnowpaw's denmates were wary of her. Poppypaw and Cinderpaw had moved their nests as far away from Minnowpaw as possible, and only Redpaw didn't seem to mind sleeping near her. Minnowpaw hardly went on any patrols anymore, and when she did it was almost always with the same cats: Tawnyclaw, Flamepelt, Sorrelstream, Bristlepelt, or Redpaw. No one else wanted to be around her.

    Minnowpaw stretched slowly and stepped out of the den. Redpaw, Cinderpaw, and Poppypaw were already gone, no doubt training. The three littermates were quickly approaching their warrior ceremonies, an honor Minnowpaw had yet to receive. She knew she'd gotten behind in her training, but she was fairly sure she'd caught up by now. She'd been an apprentice for well over six moons, but even now, a warrior ceremony wasn't very enticing to her. She didn't feel joy anymore.

    Minnowpaw found herself being carried instinctively to the nursery. Ashflower always welcomed her there, and at least Cherryheart and her kits still wanted her around. Neither queen blamed Minnowpaw for Shadebelly's death, and they always had soothing words to comfort her. And Minnowpaw had grown increasingly fond of Ripplekit, Sootkit, and Amberkit in the days since their birth. Her little siblings were growing strong, and already she was so proud of them.

    Pushing through the ferns, Minnowpaw was met by the sweet scent of milk. Ashflower was nursing her kits, and Cherryheart and her litter were still asleep in their nest. Ashflower, lifting her head at the sound of Minnowpaw's arrival, said in a sweet voice, "Good morning, Minnowpaw. How did you sleep?" Her eyes were concerned.

    Minnowpaw shrugged. "Not well," she sighed, flopping down in front of her mother. She rested her chin on her forepaws and watched the tiny kits suckling at Ashflower's belly. She wished she could stay in the nursery forever, she thought. "I don't think I'm going to be a warrior now." She suddenly found herself voicing her fears out loud.

    Ashflower reached her head forward to lick Minnowpaw's cheek. "Don't say that," she murmured. "Of course you'll be a warrior. You're caught up in your training now, and once Ashstar is done grieving for Shadebelly, I'm sure he'll be ready to give you your warrior name."

    Minnowpaw sighed. In Cherryheart's nest, the tortoiseshell queen and her four kits were waking. Parting her jaws in a massive yawn, Cherryheart said, "Minnowpaw, if any cat is deserving of a warrior name, it's you. You've been so patient in your recovery, and you've been through so much. But you've also been so strong, stronger than any warrior in this Clan."

    Minnowpaw tried to let Cherryheart's words soothe her, but it was impossible. Hoisting herself back up, she murmured a goodbye and left the nursery. Outside, Birchclaw was assigning the morning patrols. He'd proven himself to be a worthy deputy, stepping up to take Shadebelly's place with ease. "Twigtail, take Pebblenose and Sorrelstream for the dawn patrol," he was saying to the gathered group of cats. "Cloudsplash, you can lead a hunting patrol." Birchclaw looked around, deciding who else to assign to the patrol. He briefly met Minnowpaw's eyes. "Take Mudpelt and Minnowpaw."

    Minnowpaw's heart dropped. Mudpelt had been so hostile towards her since his father's death! Just then, the brown warrior said, "Why don't we take Nettlestep instead?" He shot a sharp look towards Minnowpaw.

    Birchclaw sighed. "Okay, take Nettlestep," he conceded. Minnowpaw couldn't tell if she was more relieved or hurt.

    "Minnowpaw can come hunting with us," a new voice piped up from the camp entrance. Flamepelt strode across camp, followed by Redpaw, who was carrying a massive wad of fresh ferns for nests. Stopping in front of the Clan, Flamepelt added, "If that's okay with you, Birchclaw."

    Birchclaw nodded, looking relieved. "Yes, of course. And later I'd like to talk to you about Redpaw's progress."

    Flamepelt approached Minnowpaw and rested his tail comfortingly on her shoulder. "Feeling up to hunting?" he asked.

    Minnowpaw shrugged. "I guess." She didn't feel like moping around camp, but she also doubted that catching a couple of fish would make her feel any better.

    "Let's go!" Redpaw had returned from dropping off the bedding. The long-legged red tom looked like he was bursting with energy. "I'll catch every fish in the river."

    Flamepelt rolled his eyes. "Great, so we'll starve in leaf-bare."

    Minnowpaw couldn't help the purr of amusement that escaped her. Flamepelt's eyes lit up, and he led the two apprentices out of camp. The forest was alive with chittering birds and the smells of lush green plants. The reeds around the camp swayed gently in the soft breeze, and prey-scent flooded Minnowpaw's nose. It actually felt great to be out of camp.

    "It seems like you'll be made a warrior soon," Flamepelt said lightly, casting a sideways glance at Minnowpaw. Unlike the rest of their Clanmates, his gaze was calm as he beheld her, not clouded with suspicion. "Lots of cats are talking about it."

    "In more ways than one," Redpaw muttered, and Flamepelt slapped his tail across his apprentice's mouth.

    "Don't be rude," he scolded.

    Minnowpaw sighed. "It's okay," she meowed. "It's not like I'm blind. I know what everyone is thinking, and they're right." She stopped walking. "I killed Shadebelly. I'm a murderer."

    Flamepelt shook his head. "No, you're not," he said firmly. "Shadebelly's death was an accident. You didn't kill him, and any cat who thinks that is wrong."

    "Yeah, accidents happen all the time," Redpaw added. "Sometimes they're worse, like that accident. It's horrible that we lost our deputy, but you're not to blame, Minnowpaw." Her denmate's eyes were warm and bright; though he was a young apprentice, Minnowpaw suspected he was wise beyond his moons.

    "It doesn't really matter what happened, I guess," Minnowpaw sighed. "Plenty of cats have already made up their minds about me. Mudpelt hates me now; so do Pebblenose and Blacktail. Even Nightwhisper keeps away from me now. They all think I'm cursed." A sudden rush of anger flooded through her, and she swiped her paw furiously at a pebble in her path. It flew through the air and slammed into a beech tree.

    "No." The boldness in Flamepelt's mew surprised Minnowpaw. Turning towards him, she saw a fierceness on his face that she'd only seen once before, after Copperfoot had attacked her at the river. It reminded her so much of her mother; only Ashflower had ever looked at her so protectively. "You are not cursed," he said. "Remember what I told you on the way to the last Gathering? I told you that you're still the same cat you've always been, no matter what you've been through. Remember?"

    Minnowpaw nodded.

    "It's still true. You haven't changed in any way that matters. You're still the same cat, and you shouldn't let anyone tell you you're not. Be that cat, Minnowpaw. Be brave and strong and smart and funny."

    Redpaw was gazing at his mentor in awe, nodding along with everything he said. "Yeah, Minnowpaw! Flamepelt's right! And sooner or later, our Clanmates will realize that, too!"

    Suddenly, Minnowpaw felt her spirits lifting a little. Maybe her friends were right. But no matter what, being with them out here in the forest, away from everyone else, felt more right than anything.

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