Chapter 10

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 Minnowpaw's wound ached the entire way to Fourtrees. It felt as if it were on fire, but she held her tongue; she didn't want anyone to think she was weak, and she certainly didn't want Ashstar sending her back to camp. As long as it wasn't bleeding, she decided, she'd bear it.

Dark clouds were moving across the sky, promising rain. They blotted out most of Silverpelt, but to Minnowpaw's relief the moon remained clear and bright. She couldn't imagine the Clans angering their warrior ancestors during a truce.

Minnowpaw marched beside Sorrelstream and Flamepelt. Her friends flanked her on either side, wordlessly offering support when she began to fall behind. Minnowpaw was thankful for them, and glad that they did not mention how much she was struggling over the rocks of the forest. Once they crossed the stepping stones to the other side of the river, the going was easy all the way to the hollow.

Only ShadowClan was present at Fourtrees when RiverClan arrived. Minnowpaw immediately spotted Icepaw's white pelt among the gathered cats and went to join her and her brother, Snakepaw. Sorrelstream and Flamepelt followed, clearly not bothered by hanging out with apprentices.

"Hey," Icepaw mewed coolly as Minnowpaw and her friends approached.

Minnowpaw dipped her head in greeting. "How's the prey running?" she asked, trying to sound friendly.

Icepaw raised a forepaw and gave it a lick. "Fine, thanks. And you?"

"Very well, thank you."

"Hi, Sorrelpaw," Snakepaw greeted. "Mudpaw didn't come?"

The pale warrior shook her head. "No. And it's Sorrelstream now," she said proudly. "And Mudpelt."

The two ShadowClan apprentices congratulated Sorrelstream. Just then, a wave of ThunderClan scent rolled over the hollow, and Minnowpaw looked back to see Duskstar standing atop the ridge at the edge of ThunderClan territory. He swiftly led his cats down to the Gathering and headed for Ashstar and Tanglestar, who sat beneath the Great Rock. The rest of ThunderClan dispersed among the other cats, exchanging friendly mews. Minnowpaw's group was joined by a ThunderClan apprentice. His fur was striped with gray and silver, and all four of his paws were white.

"Hey, Rainpaw!" Sorrelstream greeted him.

The tom muttered a half-hearted greeting, and Minnowpaw could tell he looked sad. "What's wrong?" she asked.

"Mind your own business, apprentice," came a sneer from behind. Minnowpaw spun and met the unfriendly gaze of Copperfoot. Minnowpaw bristled, and Flamepelt and Sorrelstream stood, their tails beginning to bush out. Minnowpaw said nothing.

Copperfoot's expression turned to smugness. "There you go, you're getting better already," he said, sticking his nose up in the air. "Maybe your mentor can do something right after all. Where is that fleabag?"

Minnowpaw felt a growl rising in her throat, and she flexed her claws. No one insulted Tawnyclaw! She'd show this mouse-heart not to mess with them!

"I'm right here," came a calm voice from behind Copperfoot. Tawnyclaw padded past him to stand beside Minnowpaw and her friends, flashing them a warning look to calm them down, then faced Copperfoot. "You seem to have a bad habit of running into my apprentice," he said, his voice cold as ice. "You'd better thank StarClan for the truce; otherwise I'd be tempted to rip your pelt off right here and now." The threat hung thickly in the air between the two toms, and Minnowpaw felt a rush of pride for her mentor.

Copperfoot snorted. "You RiverClan cats are so arrogant!"

"Says him," Icepaw muttered, and Minnowpaw fought back a purr of amusement.

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