Chapter 25

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 The days drug on for Minnowpaw, and one bright morning RiverClan felt the smallest chill in the air; leaf-fall was on its way. Minnowpaw was still not assigned to any patrols, and she did not hunt for the Clan. Part of her was scared that she'd bring back poisoned prey, and she knew that nothing she caught would be taken by any of her Clanmates. She found it hard to keep busy. Mostly she walked through the forest alone, knowing that if she found anything unusual, she could at least be useful enough to tell Ashstar about it. She still slept in the clearing rather than the apprentice's den, and on most nights Flamepelt kept her company.

Another Gathering came and went, and Redblaze, Cinderfrost, and Poppywhisker all attended as warriors. Minnowpaw had to hear about everything from Flamepelt, because she hadn't been chosen to go; WindClan had chased a vicious fox off of their territory, Tanglestar had recovered from his illness but still looked weak, and tensions between ShadowClan and ThunderClan had risen again. Apparently no cat mentioned the battle for Sunningrocks, although of course Ashstar had to report the death of Shadebelly.

A couple of times, Ashflower brought Ripplekit, Sootkit, and Amberkit out of the nursery to play. Cherryheart accompanied her, and Beechkit, Specklekit, and Reedkit ran around the camp, sticking their noses into other cats' business. Minnowpaw wondered how close they were to becoming apprentices, and how it would feel to watch them become warriors before her as well. Just once, she tried to approach her little brothers and sister, but an icy cold gaze from Cherryheart kept her away. Ashflower looked at her sympathetically, but did nothing. Minnowpaw grew used to it all; the cats who held no grudges against her also did nothing for her except look sorry.

One day, Redblaze asked Minnowpaw if she wanted to go on a patrol with him. "Birchclaw put me on the sunhigh patrol with Flamepelt and Sorrelstream," he meowed. "We thought you might want to go with us."

Because all of those cats don't hate me, Minnowpaw thought to herself. Yet. She stood from her spot outside the apprentice's den and stretched. It would be nice to do a patrol, she realized. "Sure," she told the red tom. She followed him to where Flamepelt and Sorrelstream waited by the camp entrance. They both looked thrilled at her arrival, and Sorrelstream greeted her with a purr. It had been hard for Minnowpaw to speak to Sorrelstream lately, with Mudpelt always watching her.

The forest was quiet, and the leaves rustled gently in the wind. Sniffing, Minnowpaw picked up the scents of birds and heather rolling off the moor. "It's nice today," she remarked to her friends.

Sorrelstream's eyes lit up at Minnowpaw's attempt at small talk. "Leaf-fall is on the way," she meowed. "Before we know it, it'll be cold and snowy."

Flamepelt shivered at the thought. "I just hope the river doesn't freeze over. We'll go hungry if it does."

Minnowpaw nodded. The other three Clans struggled to find enough prey in leaf-bare, but as long as the river was running, RiverClan was well-fed all through the cold moons.

The four cats stopped briefly to renew the scent markings along the border, sniffing for any signs of intruders. But the WindClan border was all clear, except for a vaguely sour scent wafting over it. Minnowpaw wondered what it was, but since it was stale she didn't point it out.

The patrol carried on through the forest. At one point, they startled a thrush, and with a quick leap Redblaze brought it down, killing it with a swift bite. "Good catch!" Sorrelstream praised him. He tucked it beneath some ferns to pick up later. They carried on, and Minnowpaw managed to join in on their conversation about weather and prey without too much difficulty. The feeling of ease she felt just patrolling and talking to her friends was almost too much; when had she last done anything without feeling guilty or sad or angry?

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