Chapter 11

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 When the storm finally broke, it rained for three days straight. Tempers were high in RiverClan in the wake of the Gathering, and every cat was on edge. After the second day, the Clan was forced to move a little farther uphill. Cherryheart brought her four kits into the apprentices' den with Minnowpaw, Redpaw, Cinderpaw, and Poppypaw. Ashstar moved into the warriors' den, and Nightwhisper and Silverheart made a makeshift den near the apprentices' den, bringing many of their herbs with them in leaf and birch bark wraps. Hunting and border patrols returned to camp sodden and short-tempered, and every crack of thunder in the sky reflected the RiverClan cats' internal anger.

Minnowpaw's feelings jumbled together as the days passed. She was as angry as the rest of her Clan, perhaps more, that Duskstar refused to believe that Copperfoot had attacked her. Any ThunderClan cat at the Gathering could see her wounds! Additionally, she was growing ever more worried about the potential threat from ThunderClan, including Copperfoot's direct threat to her.

You better watch yourself...

ShadowClan and WindClan were on her mind as well. Even though Featherstar hadn't felt threatened by RiverClan's prosperity, she couldn't exactly speak for all of her cats. The other three Clans believed that RiverClan was being blessed while they were punished by StarClan. Minnowpaw feared that there was a battle on the horizon.

In the meantime, she remained confined to camp. The weather had made her muscles even more sore, to the point that she limped with every step and could hardly walk around the entirety of the camp without having to stop due to weariness or pain. Silently, she cursed Copperfoot. Now she would be even more behind in her training.

Laying in her nest, she grumbled, "At this point, my denmates will be warriors before me." Right now, the three littermates were all out on patrols or training. Beside her, Cherryheart and her kits were dozing.

A head poked into the den; it was Ashflower. "Keep your head up," her mother mewed softly. "This rain is just making your wound act up. I don't think going all the way to the Gathering helped, either. You'll be better in no time."

Minnowpaw wanted to believe Ashflower, but she was finding it hard to share her mother's optimism. Ashflower laid down beside Minnowpaw and began to groom her daughter's fur with quick, smooth strokes. Between the rasping of Ashflower's tongue and the pattering of rain in the forest outside, Minnowpaw almost fell asleep.

Then Ashflower's licking stopped. Minnowpaw raised her head to look at her mother. The silver tabby was staring thoughtfully at Minnowpaw. Was something wrong?

Then, with no warning, Ashflower murmured, "I'll be moving to the nursery soon."

Minnowpaw gaped at her mother, shocked by the news. "Really? Does Bristlepelt know?"

Her mother shook her head. "I wanted you to be the first to know. I wasn't sure how you'd react."

Minnowpaw scrambled upright, the movement strained and awkward. "I think it's great!" she meowed, brushing her muzzle against Ashflower's. Her mother purred loudly, and Minnowpaw's heart jumped. She was going to have siblings!

Cherryheart lifted her head, eyes glowing. "That's wonderful, Ashflower," the queen purred. Her kits were waking, too.

"Yay!" Beechkit squeaked. "We're going to have denmates!" He leaped up and jumped at Minnowpaw, landing clumsily on her back. During the time they'd spent sharing a den, Minnowpaw had grown closer to the four kits.

"How long?" Specklekit mewed, less energetically than her brother.

Ashflower prodded the tortoiseshell kit playfully with a paw. "Not for another couple moons," she answered.

Specklekit looked disappointed. But before she could say anything, she let out a massive sneeze that knocked her backwards. Her siblings yelped in surprise.

"Specklekit's sick!" Reedkit exclaimed.

"Should I go get Nightwhisper?"Breezekit offered. The little black and white tom was already headed for the entrance to the den, but Cherryheart called him back.

"I'll go get Nightwhisper," she said sternly. "You four should stay out of the rain! You played outside all day yesterday; I wouldn't be surprised if you all got sick!" Her tail twitching in annoyance, she left the apprentice's den.

The four kits, not disheartened at all, leaped over to Minnowpaw. "Let's play, Minnowpaw!" Beechkit mewed. "We'll be warriors, and you can be a ThunderClan warrior!" Before Minnowpaw could protest, the gray kit launched himself at Minnowpaw, his siblings following. Their tiny claws pricked her pelt and her shoulder groaned, but she fell over and pretended to be defeated.

"Die, you mangy mouse-breath!" Specklekit squealed before sneezing again.

"Yeah, and don't even think of attacking our apprentices again!" Reedkit added, batting at Minnowpaw's muzzle with her little paws.

"Oh no, I've been defeated!" Minnowpaw called dramatically. "I never should have underestimated these brave, strong RiverClan warriors!" The four kits squealed in delight. Though they were happy and playful, their words stung Minnowpaw. Even kits weren't deaf to the dishonorable actions of Copperfoot. The worry that had gripped her heart dug its icy claws in even harder.

She was relieved when Cherryheart returned, followed by Nightwhisper, carrying a bundle of leaves. "Come on, Specklekit," Cherryheart ordered her daughter. "Let Nightwhisper take a look at you."

Nervously, Specklekit stepped forward. After sniffing her all over, Nightwhisper declared, "Just as I thought. You've just caught a cold, no doubt from playing in the rain all day!" As if in response, Specklekit sneezed again. Nightwhisper pushed a few of the leaves forward with a paw. "Here, eat these," he told the little kit. "It's feverfew; it'll clear up your cold."

Specklekit lapped up a leaf, her face screwing up in disgust. "It's yucky!" she spat.

Cherryheart looked unsympathetic. "It's going to help you get better!" she said firmly. "Now eat it!"

Beside Minnowpaw, Beechkit sneezed too. Nightwhisper's eyes widened. "Great StarClan, does everyone here have a cold?" Minnowpaw couldn't help but purr with amusement. Nightwhisper sighed and said, "Here, all four of you should eat some." He passed out feverfew to the other three kits. "That was the last of my supply; I'll have to send Silverheart for more tomorrow. With all this rain, it will be a miracle if more cats don't get sick."

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