Chapter 18

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 The Clan marched silently to the Gathering. Minnowpaw stayed at the back, padding next to Redpaw and Flamepelt. Ahead of her was Birchclaw and Pebblenose; the fluffy white she-cat hadn't even looked at her since the Clan meeting that morning. They were preceded by Twigtail, Tawnyclaw, and then Mudpelt, who also had stayed away from her. Silverheart was going as well, but Nightwhisper had stayed in his den all day and not joined them. Ashstar and Shadebelly, as usual, took the lead. A warm wind swept over the treetops and the bright silver moonlight led their way to Fourtrees. After all the time she'd spent recovering, Minnowpaw felt no pain in her shoulder or weariness at all; but the weight of her Clanmates' tension dragged her heart down the entire way to the Gathering.

Ashstar stopped at the ridge before Fourtrees, peering down at the clearing below. Stopping a tail-length behind her Clan, Minnowpaw sighed. She didn't feel up to speaking with cats from the other Clans; she just wanted to go home and curl up in her den and wait for morning to come.

"Cheer up," Flamepelt encouraged her gently, stopping next to her. He grazed her muzzle with his own. "Don't worry about anyone else. This will all blow over." Minnowpaw met his gaze; it was calm and warm.

"I feel like I've been away from the forest for moons," Minnowpaw admitted. "Today was my first real day of training in so long, and I haven't hardly spoken to anyone since the accident. I don't even feel like a Clan cat anymore," she finished despairingly. Ahead, Ashstar signaled for RiverClan to head down the slope.

Flamepelt entwined his tail with Minnowpaw's. "You're still the same cat you've always been," he meowed. "Sure, bad things have happened, but I know you haven't changed, Minnowpaw. And if you don't feel like a Clan cat anymore, maybe the Gathering will help."

Nodding slowly, Minnowpaw followed Flamepelt and the two cats caught up with the rest of their Clan, already plunging into the midst of the already gathered ShadowClan warriors. Minnowpaw spotted Icepaw right off the bat, talking with her brother Snakepaw. Minnowpaw headed straight for them, her spirits rising as she beheld the two ShadowClan cats. Though she hadn't spoken too much with Icepaw, the feisty ShadowClan apprentice was always fun to be around. Wordlessly, Flamepelt and Redpaw followed.

Spotting their approach, Icepaw called, "Hey, Redpaw! Minnowpaw, you're here this time!" Her blue eyes glowed in the moonlight.

"Hi, Icepaw," Minnowpaw greeted.

"Actually, we're warriors now," Snakepaw cut in. "I'm Snakefang, and she's Icetail."

"Aw, come on! I wanted to introduce myself!" Icetail complained, batting her brother with her paw.

"Congratulations," Flamepelt purred, and Redpaw and Minnowpaw echoed it. The news was just another reminder that Minnowpaw had to catch up in her training; she was the same age as Icetail and Snakefang!

"So are you a warrior now?" Icetail asked.

Minnowpaw shook her head. "Uh, not yet," she mewed awkwardly. How much should she tell them? Beyond Clan loyalties, how much information about her stinted training would she be comfortable sharing? "My training got delayed a bit," was all she said.

Icetail's face fell, and Minnowpaw could tell she wanted to ask about it, but she didn't. "Oh. Well, it shouldn't be too long now," she said nicely. Minnowpaw was grateful that she didn't pry, and suddenly found herself wanting to spill everything to the frost-colored cat. Even though they belonged to different Clans, Minnowpaw could see a friend in Icetail.

"So how are things in ShadowClan?" Flamepelt asked politely.

Snakefang shrugged. "Pretty much normal," he responded nonchalantly. "Tanglestar is sick, but the prey has been running well this greenleaf."

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