Chapter 26

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"Are you sure this will be okay?" I asked as Inej handed me a kvas, sitting in the stood on the right as Nina took the left, munching on her waffles.

    "Yeah. It's your last day as a single gal. Enjoy it while you can." She replied with a giant smile. "May you live a long and prosperous life, Arabella Oretsev."

    "I've spent almost eighteen years of my life as a single gal, Inej. I think I'm good." I replied, slowly sipping my drink as she did the same.

She shrugged. "Fair point. But, drink up anyways. I didn't pay for that drink just so you could throw it out."

I smiled and drained the cup, setting it in front of me. "What's your ideal future?"

Inej smiled and took a drink before answering. "I'd buy my own ship and free young girls from their indentureship."

"Sounds like a good future ahead of you." I said.

"What about you, Arabella?" Nina asked curiously.

"Well, I just hope I live long enough to have kids." I replied.

Inej nodded. "That is also a good plan. Maybe you should hire Jesper to be your private security."

"Maybe," I shrugged, looking at Nina. "What about you, Nin? I imagine you have some pretty big plans."

She thought about it for a while. "I would try to get more Fjerdans on Grisha's side and try to smack some sense into them by explaining why we are not witches."

I laughed. "That sounds like a very you plan. I love it."

    Nina smiled. "I know. You're welcome to join, if you'd like."

    "I might just take you up on that offer."

    "So . . . you excited?" Inej asked with a smile, turning my gaze back to her.

    "Yes, and I also feel like I'm going to throw up because of the nerves."

    Inej chuckled lightly and patted my shoulder.  "That will go away soon, I'm hoping."

    "How's it going to feel when you're married to the ultimate crime boss in Ketterdam?" Nina asked me.

    "Okay, I guess? I mean, it certainly has its perks."

    "Such as?" Inej asked.

    "Getting to randomly beat people up." I replied.

    Nina smiled. "You can do that either way."

    "I know. But I just really want to use that crow cane of Kaz's to break their kneecaps." I replied, mimicking swinging a baseball bat.

    "Wow. Can't imagine you as a mother now. That would be a death sentence to all who hurt your child." Inej said.

    "Yeah," I agreed.


"Inej, Nina, get Jes." I said, my breathing trembling from stress and hyperventilating.

Inej nodded and rushed out of the back room, appearing with Jesper a few moments later, where he has two champagne glasses in each hand.

"Arabella, you okay?" Jesper asked, setting the drinks on the nearest flat surface and rushing over to me, rubbing his hands soothingly down my arms.

"It's okay. It's okay. This is natural. It'll go away in a minute or two. Trust me." He said gently.

"There's a lot of people out there, Jes. I-I feel like I can't breath." I said, holding onto his arm.

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