Chapter 32

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"Kaz?" I looked to where he was sitting on the window, gazing out onto the streets. "What are you doing up at 4 AM?"

    He looked to me. "I'm sorry if I woke you."

    "Mmh, no, it's fine." I shook my head, getting out of bed and walking over to him. "You okay?"

    He smiled at me and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me into his lap, and kissing my cheek.

    "Never better." He said, his arms still around me as he looked out the window again.

    "Are you thinking about the others?"


    "Don't be worried, Kaz. I'm sure Nina and Inej have it covered."

    "I hope so. I really don't feel like coming home to a burning building."

    I laughed. "I'm sure that won't happen."

    "What do you want to do today, love?"

    "Go out? See the market?" I suggested.

    "Sounds like a plan."


"We should get this, too." I held up a box and smiled.

    "A seashell box? You really think the others will want that?"

    "No, I was just thinking we could have it as a reminder of here."

     He smiled and brushed my hair from my face, cupping my face in his hands. "I have a very good reminder of this place right here."

    "You know something?"


    "Nina would have hated to miss this. Look all those waffles." I pointed at a stall that sold different flavored waffles.

    "Mmh, want to get a box for her?" He asked, taking my hand and dragging me over to the stall.

    "She'll kill us if we don't."

    He laughed and bought a box of waffles, walking away with me towards the docks. The sun high in the sky for mid-day, casting bright white glows across the water.



    "I love you."

    He looked at me and smiled, wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing my forehead. "I love you too, Bella."

". . . . . do you want kids one day?"

"One day." He echoed, nodding. "Do you?"

"Yeah. Eventually."

"You're not in any rush to have kids, are you?"

"No. I at least want to get through a year of marriage before we have kids."

"Good idea."

    "But Inej on the other hand, would be screaming that she wants to be an aunt. As would the rest of the gang."

    He laughed and nodded. "They would. But I want to make the wife happy."

    I smiled. "And I want to make the husband happy."


"Kaz, what's wrong?" I asked when I saw him as pale as a sheet of paper, looking out into the blue ocean.

    He turned to me and immediately wrapped his arms around me, holding me close to him.

    "Kaz, you're seriously freaking me out. What is it?"

    "We need to go back to Ketterdam. Right now." He said in a shaky voice.


    A woman ran past screaming her head off and flailing her arms around, her voice hoarse as she kept repeating: "he's back!" over and over again.

    "I see what you mean. These people have a few screws loose in their heads."

    "No, Bell. We need to go back because what these people are saying is true."

    I looked at him with concern. "What are they saying?"

    He took in a deep breath, then exhaled and looked at me. "The Darkling survived. He's out of the Fold."

    A part of me was screaming "finally!" and the other part of me was screaming "flee Ravka! Go somewhere safe!"

    "He's . . . . back?" I asked.

    "Look at those and tell me what you see." He pointed up to the sky, where a thin veil of darkness floated towards us.

    ". . . shadow magic." I whispered.

Sadly, this story must come to an end, and this is it. But do not worry. Season 2 of Shadow and Bone has been confirmed! As of now, this chapter is the last of Season 1. I will get the sequel uploaded once Season 2 starts.

I hope you all liked it. I really enjoyed writing the story.

Last question of the day: Are you planning on reading anything else of mine?

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