Chapter 31

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"You've been awfully quiet, Arabella. Something on your mind?" Inej asked when she came into the living room with a plate of chocolate chip cookies, sitting down and offering me some.

I took one and bit into it, shrugging. "I don't know, Inej. I guess it's all this drama with the Darkling and all that stuff."

"What do you mean by that?"

"In my . . . visits to the Fold, he is acting off. Less psychotic. That's a good thing, but it's still a little unnerving."

"Oh. Wow. He's still haunting you?"

"I wouldn't call it so much as haunting. More like . . . . . not-so-creepily-stalking."

"Interesting choise of words. Next time you see him, tell him I say hi."

"For the last time, I am not going to kick him there again. You can, if you ever get the chance, but not me." I said with a laugh.

"Okay, okay."

"Inej, can I talk with you for a moment?" Nina asked when she turned the corner into the living room.

    "Sure. Be back soon." Inej patted my leg before getting up and following Nina outside into the rainy day.

    "Those two are definitely plotting something." Kaz's voice interrupted my thoughts.

    I turned my head around and smiled when he sat next to me. "Hey, Kaz."

    "Hey. So, I was thinking that we deserve some vacation time. Away from everyone here."

    "You read my mind. But are you sure it's wise to leave with Jesper and Milo here?"

    "Which is why Nina and Inej and Matthias are here. Let them handle those two for . . . . a week or so. I want to spend some time with you."

    "A vacation day does sound good."

    "If you could go anywhere, where would it be?"

    "I'd go to Novyi Zem to see Mal again. And Alina."

He smiled and nodded, brushing a lock of hair from my cheek. "Then it's settled. We will go to the docks tomorrow."


I smiled as Kaz walked up next to me and leaned against the railing, looking out into the clear blue sky.

    "Thanks, Kaz."

    "We deserve a few days to ourselves. Especially you."

    "Yeah . . ."

    He glanced over and took my hand. "You going to be okay?"

    "Yeah. Yeah, I'll be okay." I nodded.

    "Coming up on Novyi Zem!" A sailor shouted as we came up to the docks. "Have a good trip, Mr. Brekker. Mrs. Brekker."

    We got off the boat and got onto the gravel, walking along the streets.

    Kaz took my hand again and smiled. "I don't think I'll ever get used to hearing you get called Mrs. Brekker."

    "You and me both. But I'm glad I am."

    "Kaz? Arabella?" Alina's voice asked from behind us.

    We looked back and saw her in a yellow dress with a orange scarf around her neck to hide Morozova's amplifier.

    "It is you! Hi!" She ran over and hugged us both. "I'm so sorry I couldn't come to the wedding. I wish I could have."

    "It's alright, Alina." I said.

    "What brings you two to Novyi Zem?"

    "We are on a much-needed vacation." Kaz answered.

    "It's always good to have time by yourself once in a while. Do you want to stay with Mal and I? Or I could get you guys a room at the hotel."

    "As much as I'd love to see my brother, Kaz and I were hoping to getting some time alone."

    "No problem. I'll show you where the hotel is, then I'll leave you two alone." She walked in front of us and turned a few corners down the street and gestured to a two-story green house with: HOTEL written on the from in big white letters.

    "Thanks, Alina. Tell Mal I said hi." I said as she nodded and left.

    "She's a chatterbox." Kaz grumbled.

    "Yeah. You get used to it after a while." I agreed and walked into the hotel with him, instantly being hit with the heavenly aroma of freshly baked cookies and brewed coffee.

    A young redheaded woman looked at us from the receptionist's booth, smiling. "Hello. How might I help you today?"

    "We'd like a room, please." Kaz said.

    She nodded. "Single or double bed?"

    "Single," We both answered.


    "Kaz and Arabella Brekker." Kaz responded.

    "Lovely. Here's your room key. Enjoy your stay." The woman handed us an iron key with the number 18 on it.

    "Thank you." I took the key from her and we walked away around a corner, going up some stairs and finding out room; sliding the key in and opening the door.

    "Well. It's not the worst place I've been." Kaz said as we looked around the tan-pained room.

    It was like any hotel. Our room had tan wallpaper, a dresser and wardrobe on the West side, a few windows in the far side, a big bed with green sheets on the East side and a doorway leading to the bathroom on the same side.


I sat back on the bed and watched as Kaz walked out of the bathroom, his hair still damp from a shower.

    "This is actually the first vacation I've had in a few years." Kaz said, sitting down next to me and smiling at me. "What about you?"

    "Yeah. Unless you count that one time Jes and I came here a few Christmas's back to visit Alina and Mal."

    "It does. Want to know what I'm most excited about?"

    "What?" I asked, looking at him.

    "I get to spend my first vacation with you here as my wife."

    "So, what do you want to do for the remaining few hours of the day?"

    He smiled, brushing his thumb over my cheek. "I have a few ideas."

Vacation time! Hope you liked this chapter!

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