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"The fuck are you doing here, huh?" Were the first words to leave my mouth after the call ended.

Gia rolled her eyes at me and let out a loud sigh as she walked around the desk. She took a seat in the chair in front of the desk that was facing me.

"Answer me, Gianna." My patience was running thin, hence the stern manner that I was now speaking in.

"Came to see how you're doing." Her straight face lacked emotion.

I scoffed. "Right," I could not hold back the sarcastic smile from spreading among my lips. "I've been stuck in this damn house for more than four months and now you want to see how I'm doing?"

"Well, the last time I was here I didn't feel welcomed. I don't think that I have to remind you why, now do I, Mattia?" Her eyebrows pinned together, her voice became louder.

I shook my head at her. "Get out."

Gia did not get up, instead she leaned back into the chair. Her head tilted to the side as she carefully watched me. "Or what, hhm? Are you going to carry me out?"

I had to take several deep breaths, because the level of anger that I had reached had made my will so strong that I was convinced that if I moved my legs I would be able to stand up from the wheelchair, only to carry the bitch out.

"Gia. I am not in the mood for your shit. So, please— Leave." I spoke more calmly after my mind had cleared up a bit.

She smiled, devilishly. "I'm not going anywhere," She stood up and walked back to me. She bent forward so that our faces could meet. "And baby," her tongue clicked. "For the fact that you just lied to my dad that I have been good to you when I was out on a vacation whilst you've been turning into professor X, well— that's reason enough for me to not threaten you."

People often say that when you spent a lot of time with someone, you start to pick up on their behaviorism. This exact moment confirmed that theory for me. For the first time she left me speechless.

"Besides, it's not like you haven't left me before." She straightened herself.

"You left when I needed you the most."

She darted her tongue against her lower lip. "Well, I'm here now." She moved closer to me, her hands wrapped around my neck as she sat down in my lap. "And don't act like you didn't enjoy yourself with your— sister." Her face was full of disgust.

"She's not my sister." I argued.

Gia lifted my chin, brushing her lips against mine. She would not forgive me this fast, there was something else at play here and it was not just business.

"Stop". I turned my face away from hers.

"You're serious?" Her hands dropped down for a quick second before the right one grabbed my chin and turned my face towards her again. "I've had to endure far too much from you to let you ruin this over some bitch that doesn't—"

Before she had finished her sentence, I had pushed her off me. Her body slammed against the hard floor and when she looked up, her eyes were glistening.

I had a hard time caring though. All I wanted in this moment was to get away from her so that is exactly what I did. I wheeled myself around her and was halfway to the door when this woman pushed me from the side, tipping me over. I crashed into the dresser that rested against the wall, which broke my direct fall.

I found myself trying to hold onto the furniture but my lack of control over my legs caused my downfall, quite literally. One of my legs got trapped under the wheelchair.

"You need help getting up?" The corners of her lips molded into a wide grin. "No? Is it comfortable on the floor?" She derided me when I remained quiet.

I swallowed my pride and parted my lips, but the sound refused to come out.

"I can't hear you, do you want to get up?" She asked with such joy in her voice.

"Yes." I stated.

"Okay," She bent down as if she was going to help me up. "Go ask Emmanuelle for help." She whispered close to my ear, instead.

She stood up straight, got her bag from the chair and headed to the door, briefly stopping to take one more look at me.

"Arrogant bastard, now look at you, fucking pathetic." She scoffed before she walked out of the door.

I was helpless, getting myself back into the wheelchair was a dream. I did not have my phone with me, only the laptop that I had used earlier. I could barely move, I was not going to be able to reach up my desk. The only option left was to scream for help.

I laid on the cold floor for several more minutes before I finally accepted the shame that I felt.

"Help, help." I screamed as loud as I could but no one came. There was no one around.

A mix of emotions rushed through my body. Next thing I know I found myself slamming my fist into the ground out of frustration. Small cuts formed on my knuckles that turned red and my eyes watered.

Not because of pain or anger. It was the humiliation that I felt. I could not comprehend it. Some days it was easier to accept who I had turned into, today was not one of them.

I badly needed to pee and I refused to let it go, so I prompted myself up by my arms and as I leaned on the right one, I tried to push the wheelchair off my leg with my left arm.

I gathered all my strength, but it was not enough to get the thing off me.

By the time someone came to look for me in the office, a little over two hours had passed. I was not able to hold it in for that long.

Anthony found me in the same spot Gia had left me in, completely stinking of piss. There was a subtle expression on his face of worry and pity. But, he managed to get rid of it.

He did not say or ask anything, he simply helped me up and into the wheelchair. Then he proceeded to push me to my room.

"I'll get Tia." He announced before he left my room. I could tell that he felt sorry for me— a grown man that needed assistance to change into clean clothes because he pissed himself.

Every day it felt like a piece of me was dying away. Gia was right. I was fucking pathetic. I could not do anything by myself.

The chance of a full recovery was slim. Who would want to spend their life looking after someone like me, I asked myself.

I could erase any thought of relying on Marco and Marissa, they had barely done anything for me in the months that had passed. And Tia was only getting older and weaker too, she was not going to be around forever.

Emmanuelle— her name rolled of my tongue with ease. I repeated it several more times in my mind. But then I remembered Anthony's words. Her feelings towards me were genuine. And mine? Mine were compromised. I could not put her in a vulnerable position only for my benefit.

She was right, she had endured a lot from me. The fact that she came back meant that she was willing to endure this part of my life as well. I would not just be settling with her for the sake of our business, but for my sake too.

My hand reached for my phone, unlocking it. I called the contact that had been on my screen since I was transferred into my bed.

"I'm listening." Gia answered, not surprised at all that I called.

"I need you."

I could sense what she was smiling. "I know you do. I'll see you soon." She confidently answered before hanging up in my ear.

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