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Marco, Emillio and Anthony walked into the room. All three of them looked dead serious.

"I'm listening." I breathed out in pain whilst looking at Marco who had his arms crossed in front of him. His eyebrows were pressed together. He looked absolutely pissed, but that was not something I needed to worry about.

"What the hell happened?"

"What do you mean? I got into a car accident. This shit happens everyday." I managed to get out.

"BULLSHIT—." His jaw clenched.

I closed my eyes as I exhaled, trying to silence the noise around me. Yes, the noise that was coming from his mouth.

"The hell did you tell him? Hhmm?"

"What the hell are you talking about?" I asked, confused.

"You know damn well what I'm talking about." He said between gritted teeth.

Anthony and Emillio lowered their eyes. I could tell that they were worried as well, which made me think that they had spilled the beans about Rafael.

"Again, the hell are you talking about?" I asked once again.

"James." Marco answered, leaving me even more confused than I was before.

"The truck— it belongs to his company. And that day at the club. What is going on?" He continued.

I looked at both Emillio and Anthony for confirmation that they had indeed done their job accordingly and had kept their mouths shut about what was actually going on. They did not say anything, though their behavior was enough to confirm what I had already suspected.

Marco was clearly looking for the answers in the wrong direction, but leading him down that direction even though it was wrong seemed like a better idea than alerting him about what was really going on.

"Nothing is going on. Yes, we got into some kind of an argument but there is nothing going on."

"What did you— what actually happened?" asked Anthony.

"You don't have anything to say or ask?" I faced Emillio, completely ignoring Anthony's question.

Emillio shook his head 'no.'

"Okay. I've listened to you two. First off— I had a normal ass conversation with him. So, I'mma need you to take a step back and check your words before you use them." I glared at Marco.

"Second thing. You may be dating Marissa, but you're still working for me and I appreciate privacy. You don't have to go running to one of my siblings every time I give you an assignment." I said, pretending like I was putting Anthony in his place.

Anthony was just about to reciprocate when Marco beat him to it. "I'm not letting this go. You know better than to mess with James. He may be an asshole but we need him."

I rested my head back into the pillow and closed my eyes for a split second. I expected more loyalty from Emillio. I expected my brother to trust me. But as much as I wanted to lash out at all of them, I could not. Physically I was in the most horrible state I had ever been in and I knew that the last thing to do would be to drive away those who I had to rely on.

"Listen, it was an accident. It happens everyday. I've been in this damn hospital for far too long. I just want to get home. We'll deal with everything in time." I calmly stated.

Marco huffed in annoyance, but other than that he kept quiet. That was all that mattered to me.

Two hours later I was on my way home. Marco and Anthony rode with me in the ambulance whilst Emilio drove behind us. I hated it. I hated asking for help, but I needed it. Two nurses pushed me into my house whilst my men walked behind me. Marissa, Tia, Lorna, Nuelle— they were all waiting for me. Their faces affected by sadness— pity.

I felt like a hinder. Like I was no good. They all just stood around me as though a cat had run off with their tongues which made me feel a hundred times worse.

"I would like to go to my room." I said, breaking the silence.

The majority of them looked at the stairs and then back at me. I had totally forgotten about this detail, realizing that I never actually had to think about climbing the stairs. I never had to force my legs to move.

"Maybe it's better that you sleep in the guest room?" Marissa carefully asked.

I licked my trembling lips. My eyes were burning. I knew that I needed to be left alone as soon as possible which is why I agreed. I nodded my head. Defeat, anger, shame— all coursing through my veins.

The hospital bed was pushed towards the guest bedroom that had not been used in years, because no we did not have any visitors. Not before Tia, Anthony and Nuelle came back. I hated the white color of the walls— the white furniture.

The only items that added color were my stuff. The stuff that the others had already moved into the room before they had even asked me if I wanted to stay in it.

I wanted to be in my room, to sleep in my bed, but not even that was possible. Anthony, Marco and two nurses helped me move from the hospital bed into the normal one which felt like I was being hit by a truck all over again.

I laid on my bed, my eyes on the white ceiling, trailing the perfected carvings that were supposedly made to give the room an extra posh look. But none of that mattered in that moment. All I could think about was how much I hated everything, everyone. How much I hated myself.

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