42 | E

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I sat at my desk, waiting for Marco to return from his lunch break so that he could sign the documents I had worked on all morning. My phone kept ringing, our contractors were getting impatient and so was I.

Where the hell is he... I thought to myself.

Marco had been in a good mood lately. He was sober, focused on work and was overall in a better state than before. He did not tell me this himself but anyone who truly knew him would be able to tell that his behavior had changed.

When he left he said that it would not be long, yet it seemed like it was taking forever. I tried to reach him but my calls were declined which made my mind work overtime on overthinking. By the fourth time my phone rang and I had to answer a rude contractor, I was done waiting and decided to go to Marissa and have her take care of this.

I walked out of the office and to my surprise Rosie was sitting at her desk. This whole time I believed that Marco was on a lunch break with her.

"Hey, I thought you left with Marco."

"Nope." Her answer was short and harsh. Usually, she would give more information than needed when I asked a question or said something regarding Marco. However, by the lack of interest that she displayed on her face I guessed that they were not on good terms.

"Do you know where he went? I've tried to call him about two times but couldn't get through."

"I honestly don't know," she sighed. "Look, I don't want this to be awkward since he's your brother and our boss. But, it's best that you hear this from me before you hear it from someone else," she gulped. "We're not together anymore. And now he doesn't tell me about his lunch breaks or anything else. So, yeah."

"Oh. I'm sorry to hear that. You okay?"

Her eyes drifted down to the keyboard. She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, "If I knew that it would be this hard to work with him now that we're not together, I would've stayed on my old department."

"Yeah, I can imagine how you feel. But, don't stress too much about it, okay? Give him some time, I'm sure he'll come around and be himself again."

"Oh, no. I'm okay, don't worry about me. Go do your thing before we get an angry mob of contractors on this floor." She joked.

"I'll be right back."

Just before the elevator doors closed I was able to catch a glimpse of Rosie wiping away the tears on her cheeks. My heart hurt for her because it made me wonder how much more painful it would have been if I stayed home after Dimitri treated me the way he did, especially now that Gia had temporarily moved in.

The elevator ride seemed longer than normal, only because of the hurry that I was in. The moment the doors opened I rushed into Marissa's office without knocking.

"Mari," My power walking came to an automatic stop when my eyes met those of someone that had disappeared out of my life a few months ago without any notice.

Marissa looked spooked by my presence as though I had just caught her doing something that I was not supposed to see or know.

"Hi, Tobias." There was a short pause between saying hi and his name.

Tobias' eyes shifted to Marissa who was standing a bit too close to him and only moved away when I greeted him. Anthony instantly crossed my mind when I saw them so close to each other.

"Hey, Emmanuelle." He smiled. "It's been a while. It's nice to see you again." He scratched his throat and stood still for a while before he walked up to me and gave me a hug that was extremely awkward.

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