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I watched as Nuelle looked back at Marissa who could not contain her excitement. She was shouting about how much fun they were going to have together and knowing Marissa, she was going to make good on her promise. My sister was a wild child and she did not care about what anyone had to say about it.

She partied more than Marco and me combined. We did not mind it, because she worked just as hard as she partied and she knew how to take care of herself.

Nuelle smiled at Marissa, but the smile disappeared and her eyebrows pinned together when she looked at me. She looked confused, maybe even a little bit scared.

"You're home early," I smirked at Marco after Nuelle was out of my sight.

He flopped down on the couch in front of me and threw his head back to look at the ceiling. "Yeah," He murmured.

"Anything interesting happen?" Marissa crossed her arms.

"Well, let's just say that Rosie and I—"


"Can you not yell?" He raised his voice at her.

"Okay," I held my hand up at her. "What happened? Rosie is a nice girl, I don't want to have to look for another employee. Not this time, Marco."

"Why do you people just assume that I messed up? Huh?"

I could see Marco getting angry, he moved the palms of his hands up his face before he looked up at us again. "Look, Rosie and I are good. We just realized that we don't want the same thing. That's all." He calmly explained.

Marissa cocked one eyebrow up whilst she turned to me. "And she doesn't mind working with you after all of this?" Her eyes found Marco again.

"No," He breathed out. "We are both adults and we both know that relationships don't always work out."

"Good," She nodded.

"Speaking about relationships. Gia asked about you."

Marissa dramatically rolled her eyes, walking away as fast she could, not wanting to hear the rest of the conversation.

"Of all places, why did you have to go there?"

"She serves good food, but you know that better than anyone else. Don't you?" He smirked at me.

My gaze turned cold, I had enough stress for one day. I did not need anything else to bother me.

"Yeah, why haven't you returned her calls, brother?" He stood up and held his hands behind his back.

"Keep looking at me like that and watch me knock that fuckin' smirk off your face."

He put his hands up, showing me that he was surrendering as he took a few steps backwards before he turned around and jogged up the stairs.

I looked down on my watch and noticed that it was too early to go to bed. Normally I would have been at the office around this time.

I usually stayed at the office until seven sometimes even eight pm before coming back home, but after the meeting I had decided to come home and get straight to talking to Nuelle about father's will. To my surprise, I did not manage to have the conversation I had in mind.

I took a deep breath before I decided to return to my office to finish up some paperwork. On my way there I stopped by the kitchen to get a glass of orange juice.

I was standing with my back against the island to look out of the window as I took small sips from my glass when I heard someone gasp.

I quickly turned around to see Nuelle standing in the door opening. She held her hands in front of her waist as she looked at me with her big, bright eyes.

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