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"Gia, she's my younger sister. Can you stop acting crazy?" I stood with my hands on my hips as I turned towards the large window and looked at the tiny figures moving in all directions on the street below me.

Gia had been going off about Nuelle since she had left which was longer than half an hour ago. The whole time I went in defense, telling her that she was overreacting though I knew that she was not.

At some point during her yelling my mind dozed off and I replayed the moment Nuelle walked into the room.

The way her hips swayed so effortlessly when she walked, the way the red and black outfit looked on her.

The whole time I was trying to convince Gia that there was nothing going on between us which technically was the truth. But, in reality I might have said all of it aloud to convince myself that I needed to stop thinking about Nuelle.

"FINE." She shouted as she made her way to the couch and sat down with her hands crossed in front of her chest. Gia was always jealous when it came to me and other women.

She even had a problem with Lana and demanded that I fire her when we first started dating. The fact that I refused was probably the cause for our first fight and the reason why we broke up the first time.

As I took a few deep breaths to calm myself down I could hear her wiggle and mumble under her breath. I looked down on my watch, remembering that I had to attend a meeting.

"Gia, I have a meeting in about five. Can we just-" I exhaled. "Can we talk afterwards?"

She raised her eyebrows and tilted her head to the side.

Here we go again...

"OH. So, now that I'm here you have a meeting, but when little miss adopted sister was sitting there, you didn't seem to care about your meeting." She spat at me.

I rubbed my forehead whilst the other hand remained on my hip as I slowly made my way towards her.

I ran the back of my hand against her right cheek before I wrapped my hand around the back of her neck, demanding that she rose from her seat.

I lifted her chin, making her look up at me whilst my left hand kept her body pressed against mine. "Nuelle is here with Marco. I know you're mad that I didn't tell you about her. But, the reason why I didn't is because she doesn't mean anything to me. She'll be gone by Sunday, okay?"

Her eyes scanned mine to see if I was telling the truth. As much as I hated how easily she got jealous I knew that I could not fully blame her. Gia was a beautiful woman which she knew, but even that was not enough to make her feel as confident as she made others believe that she was. However, although she was skeptical over any female that came near me, she was exceptionally skeptical about Nuelle. It was as though she could sense that I felt attracted to her even if I was not going to act on the feeling.

She sighed as she placed her face on my chest, her hands wrapping around me. I kissed the top of her head whilst the voices in my mind had a meeting of their own. One was telling me that I should be ashamed for lying to my woman whilst the other one told me that I did the right thing.

"Can I stay at your place tonight?"

I took her face in the palm in my hands and kissed her. "Baby, you don't have to ask that."

She hated staying over at my place, because she preferred to have privacy. At least that is was what she always said when it came to where we would stay, but this was not just about spending time together.

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