16 | E

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"Mr. Mulaney is still in the operation room. Please, have a seat in the waiting room."

Marco turned to look at Tia and Marissa before he turned back to the nurse. "What can you tell us about his condition? Is it critical?"

I stood in silence, my head slowly moved into the directions of the others whilst the sound of my beating heart grew louder. I wanted to know what happened. I wanted to know if he was safe. My lips quivered, wanting to part but they did not manage to escape the straight line that they were set in.

"Please—" The nurse pleaded.

"I just want to know where my brother is." Marco raised his voice again.


"Don't." He shrugged his shoulders out of Christoph's grip.

"Sir, please—" The nurse spoke in a slow, calming tone. "Your brother is still going through the operation. Please, have a seat in the waiting room and let us do our job."

"Fuck." Marco yelled as he walked off. His breathing was heavy and unsteady. He was scared. We all were.

He stopped in front of a few chairs and threw himself back in one of the seats, placing the back of his against the wall, he had his eyes closed as he faced the ceiling.

Anthony led Tia and Marissa to the waiting room which was around the corner of where Marco was seated. The three of them sat together whilst Christoph and Emillio tried to comfort Marco. meanwhile, I was left standing on my own at the receptionist table.


I swallowed hard. The same nurse that Marco had yelled at was standing in front of me. "Come on." She softly said.

We walked side by side, past Marco and turned to corner to where the others were sitting. Hours went by and we were still in the waiting room. I glanced down at my watch, it was around three in the morning. My eyes were heavy, but sleeping was made impossible by the sound of crying people and others talking around me. Tia had calmed down and was leaning back in her chair whilst Marissa had snuggled herself up to Anthony.

Anthony looked over at me and gave me a small nod, his facial expression questioned if I was alright. I was not, but I returned the small smile he had give me after that .


Anthony lightly tapped Marissa's shoulder, walking her up.

"Yes." She answered the nurse in a shaky voice. "Uhm, Marco—"

Anthony left the waiting room and returned with the three other man. Marco was a complete mess, his eyes were red and though he had wiped away his tears I still knew that he had cried. Christoph and Emillio walked behind him, looking like his bodyguards.

"Mr. Mulaney is out of the operation room and is now resting in one of our private rooms. He is still unconscious and is in desperate need of rest. You can all see him, but not at the same time."

"They will go first." Marco beckoned the nurse at Tia, Marissa and me.

I frowned, when we first came in he was throwing a fit about wanting to see Dimitri and now he was passing on the opportunity to do so. I thought that he would be the first to run up to the room. I had already made peace with being the last person to walk in.

 "Did you call Gia?" Marissa asked him.

"I tried. I didn't get through."

Marissa responded with an understanding nod before turning to the nurse who led the way. With each step I took towards the room my heart rate increased, my fear and worry grew stronger and my breathing became more uneven. I slowly felt myself drifting into a state of panic. My mouth felt dry and my tongue felt tied in a knot.

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