52 | M + E

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"How did it go?" Was the first thing Anthony asked when he walked into the room.

For three days after the breakup I had sheltered myself from my family by only attending work and coming straight home to my room afterwards. I did my best to avoid them in my time of need for clearance and peace. More than anything I wanted to spare myself from any questions regarding Gia, but there was only for so long that I could avoid them.

"Ended things with her."I replied with a lack of enthusiasm about the topic.

"Okay, and?"

"That's it."

"No. I mean, did she say anything about Rafael? Did you get any information?"

"No. No, I didn't." I instantly regretted that I had not taken the opportunity to question her.

"That puts us back at square one. James is a dead end. Everything checks out. I suggest we check out Gia's story." He crossed his arms.

"Yeah. I'm done dealing with her. And I'm tired of playing by Rafael's rules. I think I need to do what I should've done that day."

"With such a large amount missing from the company— they are going to find out. So, if you're serious about this, then you'll have to be honest with them. It's either they find out now or after you've lost half of the company."

I leaned back in my chair, my mind was blank as it was already set on putting an end to all of this. The money is what started this misery I should have realized sooner that this is what could also stop it.

"You can't hide this from them forever. At least they'll be able to protect themselves if they know."

I looked at Anthony who had been a trusted adviser and worker of mine for years. Little did he know that one of the many secrets that I was keeping could ruin him.

"How are Rylee and Amara?" I changed the subject.

"They're doing well. Amara's getting big, I'll send you the pictures."

"That'll be great."

"James visited them a few weeks ago."

"Hmm. And?"

"Just an ordinary visit. Rylee didn't say anything else about him."

"Okay. I'll let you know when I've made up my mind about Rafael."

Anthony nodded and took my words as his cue to leave. I left my room as well to have something to eat. I made my way into the kitchen and took some of the leftovers from dinner the night before. With Tia out to get groceries, Lorna having the day off and all my siblings at work the house was utterly quiet. I sat at the dining table, waiting for the microwave to peep that my food was warmed up. My eyes were heavy, I had a hard time trying to stay awake. There is nothing more frustrating than having your stomach roar for food and your eyes burning because of sleep at the same damn time.

I buried my face into my hands, sleep had almost consumed me when the microwave peeped like a ticking bomb. Whilst I rubbed my eyes, I forced myself up and to the counter. The plate was hot and the lasagna smelled as fresh as when just made though it had been chilling in the fridge for several hours. I was greedy to get a taste and stuffed my mouth with a big bite only to get disappointed when my tongue tasted the cold middle layer. I found myself getting mad at the plate for tricking me into thinking that the food was warmed up all the way. Yet, I kept eating it. I was standing with my back facing the door doing this when unexpectedly a voice reached my ears.

"Good morning." the soft voice startled me. I did not expect anyone else to be home. I turned halfway around until I was looking at her from my side. Nuelle was standing in her PJ's. She wore her hair in a long ponytail that went passed her elbows.

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