11 | E

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Beep, beep, beep, beep

I groaned as I reached to tap my phone, hoping to turn off my alarm. My eyes were still closed and my face was still buried in my pillow.

Beep, beep, beep


I sat up and grabbed my phone from the night stand, tapping the screen to finally get my alarm to stop. As soon it did I threw my head back into the pillow.

"Oh, God."

I pulled the covers over my head, ashamed of my actions or rather the action I had on my own the night before.

"Okay, calm down." I whispered to myself.

I checked the time on my phone, it showed that it was almost nine. I took a quick shower after which I spent at least ten minutes pacing around the room, trying to put an outfit together. I opted for something that seemed effortless, but was still very cute.

I sighed as I shook my head at my own thoughts. I sat on the foot of the bed, still wearing the towel as a dress. My right leg was lightly bouncing up and down as my mind replayed last night.

I stood up, "Nope. everything is fine, just act normal." At this point I was full on talking to myself.

I grabbed a pair of leggings and a red hoodie. Whilst I was walking out of the room I was tying my hair up in a pony tail. The upstairs seemed pretty quiet, so I figured that everyone had already left.

I rushed down the staircase and met Dimitri at the end of it. I involuntarily gasped when he turned around and looked straight at me. He was dressed in a gray suit, his hair was slicked back and he was standing with his hands in his pockets. He looked like he was on the set of a GQ magazine.

I lowered my gaze, I could not look at him. Not after I had spent the night before moaning out his name in my bed as I touched myself. Not after I had gotten myself off to the thought of him doing filthy things to me.

"Good morning." I mumbled as I walked past him with my head down.

"Yeah." He sounded like he was forced to answer me.

My mood instantly changed. I was disappointment in myself, in the fact that this was the person I was attracted to.

"Morning." I mumbled whilst I walked into the kitchen. Now I sounded like I was forced to greet the others.

Marco stopped buttering his toast, "Are you okay?" He genuinely seemed concerned.

"Uhhmm—" I took a seat next to Tia and poured myself a cup of coffee, not quite knowing what to say.

"Did you have fun last night?" Tia stroked my hair back.

I stiffened when Tia's question reached my ears. It was as though my heart was trying to break out of my chest by the way it was pounding against it. Thoughts of the images I formed in my head of Dimitri and me resurfaced.


I flinched when Tia hit me on the back of my right shoulder, making me turn to her with a quizzical look on my face.

"I asked you a question. Did you have fun last night?" She repeated.

I smiled. "Yes, I did. We all did."

Marissa came walking into the kitchen with Anthony behind her. They were both dressed in casual clothes, she was not going to work by the looks of it.

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