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Marco bent down and lifted me up by the back of my thigh so that I could  wrap my legs around his torso. His hands glided down to my ass, softly gripping into it— all without breaking the kiss.

I did not expect this to happen when he walked into my room after Marissa had left. I was a nervous wreck and nearly jumped back when he first kissed me, yet I kissed him back before I could change my mind.

My heart was racing and our breathing became heavy, hands were exploring, especially his. He gently laid me down on my back. I propped myself up on my elbows as he stood at the foot of the bed. His eyes were drinking me in. I gulped, I could feel my heartbeat in my stomach.

He held our eye contact as he slowly moved towards me. My legs opened up on his demand to make space for him. His eyes were gentle on me, so was his touch on my neck when he pulled my face towards his again. His breath caressed my cheek in between the soft kisses he left on me. I was not ready to go all the way, I thought to myself. As if my thought had entered his mind, he pulled himself away from me.

"We don't have to do anything you're not ready for."

I pushed myself to sit up straight, only giving him a nod as an answer.

"Are you okay?" He smiled warmly, drawing circles with his thumb on my tigh.

"I am." I spoke against his lips, this time I was the one that moved towards him.

His hands found my hips. He instructed me to get closer in a nonverbal manner. I did as instructed and climbed on top of him to straddle him.

His lips moved down to my neck, tracing more downwards to the little that was exposed of my collarbones whilst his hands carefully covered my stomach as they explored underneath my shirt— his shirt.

I was shaking. The air around us became hot. I wanted to keep calm but I could not. I had never been touched like this before. His hands went down to my hips again, subtly giving the instructions for me to move back and forth on top of him.

"You're making it very hard for me to control myself."

My breathing became more audible which he noticed. I could tell by the way he smirked.

"The doors open. Marco the door is open." I nearly shouted when I noticed that the door was not properly closed.

Marco checked to see for himself before he got up so effortlessly with one hand wrapped around my waist and me still attached to him as if my life depended on it, walked towards the door to close it all the way. He looked at me when he walked us back to the bed. This time he sat down, automatically positioning me on top of him. His eyes bore into mine. I had never felt more nervous around him.

"Let me take you out."

"Okay." I mouthed to which he stood up and put me on my feet again.

"Good. Go get ready then." He placed a kiss on my forehead and proceeded to walk straight out my room, leaving no opening for me to protest or agree. I was stunned. What just happened? I kept asking myself as though I was not actively participating in the whole happening.

I found myself standing in the same position, staring at the now closed door for several seconds. I had lost myself replaying what we just did, day dreaming of making out with... Marco.

"Oh, My God!" I hid my face in the palm of my hands as a sudden rush of the feeling of embarrassment and shyness overflowed my system. I felt shy and giddy and... and... I felt too many damn emotions, including confusion when Dimitri made an unexpected visit into my bubble of thoughts.

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