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My body ached with muscle pain, but I had enjoyed every burning second of the activities that caused this feeling. I slept in for a little over an hour past the time that I had set my alarm on. When I rolled over to my side I saw Marco still laying with his eyes closed. His bare chest heaving up and down, right arm tucked under his head. Our blanket only covered him from the waist down. My eyes drew invisible lines along the outline of his body. Taking his every feature in mind, I had made a mental painting that I intended to recreate on a canvas.

Looking at him caused flashbacks to flood my mind. I always knew I was a very sexual being, yet I would try my best to hide this side. However, the high intensity of our feelings being in harmony and undoubtedly, the result of the frequency of his energy had motivated me to explore all there was to self love. We celebrated the openness of our desires as our souls were mirroring what it is of one another we admired. I was slowly becoming needy of his touch which he preferred more than minded, provoking the lust that fermented inside of me to heighten.

"Wake up, it's almost eight thirty. " I whispered as I ran my fingers up and down his chest.

With his eyes still closed he shook his head.

"We're going to be late."

"I'm your boss. You're excused for today." He murmured.

I trailed down to his stomach, drawing circles on his thighs, taking forever to work my way towards his manhood. Suddenly, he grabbed my hand, "No teasing." He said.

I shook my head as innocently as possible as I bit down on my lip to control my laughter since teasing him was exactly what I was about to do. Marco let go off my hand, but his eyes were now carefully studying my face. I grazed my fingers against his length, going up and down. He drew in a long breath as I was doing this. It took a lot of strength for him to remain calm and not take control over me. I knew this, because it was always him who took the lead. I continued to stroke him for a while longer until I abruptly stopped, rolled over to my side and tried to make a run for the bathroom. I had one foot on the ground when his arms wrapped around my frame and he pulled me back into the bed.

"I said– no teasing." He threw me onto my back, straddling me and pinning my arms above my head.

"I'm sorry." I said with a smile that I forced to conceal.

Tsk, tsk, tsk— he shook his head whilst making this sound. "What do we get when we tease?" His voice turned serious.

I gulped, excitement with a healthy sense of fear accompanied my blood during its rush through my veins and heart. "Punished."


"P—" the vibrating sound coming from his phone caused me to stop talking.

He groaned as he reached for his phone. "What?" He sounded extremely irritated. "I'm in the middle of something, can this wait until I reach the office?" We briefly made eye contact when he climbed off me and stood up from the bed. "And Marissa can't take care of this? I'm still on the casino project." He argued. "Fine. When's the flight?" Marco scratched his chin. "Yeah, okay. I'll get it done."

"Is everything all right?" I pulled my knees up to my chest and hugged my legs.

"I've to go to New York for onsite inspection. I'm leaving tonight."

"How long will you be gone?"

"I don't know as yet," he sat down at the edge of the bed and looked at me over his right shoulder. "Marissa has to be in San Francisco for a deal we're trying to close and Mattia is just now easing back into all of this. That leaves me." He tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.

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