13 | E

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"So, what did you think of your first day?"

"It wasn't too bad." I smiled at Marco.

"You did well for your first day. Do you see yourself working as an assistant for someone?"

I took my bottom lip between my teeth as I thought about his question.

For someone like you? yes. For someone like Tobias? probably not...

"Depends on the person I would have to work for."

"I can understand that. There are a lot of crazy bosses out there."

We chuckled as we continued to make small talk. We talked about everything that crossed our minds. Marco was different, not like Dimitri. He always looked happy and seemed to be genuinely interested in what I liked and wanted in life.

We filled each other in on our lives during the eight years that we had not spoken. We were so lost in our conversation that we did not notice that we had reached the house until Christoph alerted us.

Walking into the house, we continued our conversation. Marissa was already home, seated in the living room with Tia. She had left the office before us, saying that she did not feel well. Anthony and Emillio were nowhere to be seen.

I excused myself and went up to my room to take a shower, afterwards I went back down to the living room. The others were still seated in the same position watching the same reality show, but Ms. Lorna had now joined them. I stood behind the couch and leaned forward between Tia and Ms. Lorna.

"Marco." Marissa called.

Marco was standing at the end of the staircase. He was dressed in casual work-out clothes and was carrying a duffel bag.

"Do you know where Anthony is?" She asked.

He shook his head before he headed to the door, but just as he was about to leave another voice called his name. This time the sound came from outside. I turned to my side to see Dimitri walking in with Gia behind him. The three of them exchanged a few words before Marco made his way out.


"Mattia, who is this?" Tia slowly got up, her face lit up as a child on their birthday.

He cleared his throat as he playfully dragged Gia behind him and introduced her as his girlfriend which the woman absolutely loved. After the hugging and giggling they went up to his room and remained there for the rest of the night.

That night whilst laying in my bed, my mind wandered to what they were up to, like a pathetic fool.

He isn't even thinking about you...

I rolled onto my side and squeezed my eyes shut, hoping to relieve my mind of Dimitri and the feeling of jealousy and sadness that came with the thought of him with her. After hours of twisting and turning in my bed, I fell asleep and when I woke up the next day they had already left. Jenny had returned to work so I went back to basically doing nothing all day.

During dinner I built up the courage to ask about Dimitri's whereabouts, casually stating that I only asked because I had not seen him all day. I was then told that he was spending the day at Gia's place and for some unknown reason it felt like my heart was stabbed.

Soon Thursday came. Every second felt twice as long as boredom became more unbearable but the thought of being able to leave soon made me feel better. I turned to reading, but the Wattpad stories that I had turned to had only further defined and deepened my lust for him. Keeping my mind occupied in an attempt to keep it from wandering off and thinking about Dimitri was quite a selfish act as I started to push everyone out to be able to do so.

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