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"Feed me." He said, much to my surprise. I could not tell if he was being serious or simply testing to see how much I was willing to do for him.

'How much are you willing to do for him?'

Unknowingly, he had made me ask myself this question which I luckily managed to literally shake away by shaking my head.

"No?" His left eyebrow raised up.


"You just shook your head. That means no."

"No, I- here." I took a spoonful of the food and brought it closer to his mouth. He took the bite, closing his eyes when he swallowed the food.

"Hmm." He looked disgusted. "It's salty."

Of course it is... I sarcastically thought to myself.

"Did you make this?"

I shook my head whilst I held out another spoonful of the food, waiting for him to take his bite. "Marissa and Anthony did."

"That's why. How come you're here and not one of the others? Decided to play nurse?"

"No, I'm here because Tia is tired and needs rest." I answered as nicely as I possibly could.

"And my siblings? Are they too tired as well?" I could hear the bitterness in his voice.

At this point I did not want to continue the conversation, but deciding that it was better to answer him than to feed him his food in silence, I once again opened my mouth.

"Everyone gets tired, this- taking care of someone is tiring. Especially if the person you're trying to take care off never seems to be satisfied with what you do."

As I held another spoonful of food in front of his mouth, his tongue darted against his lower lip. He gave me a look that could kill me.

Normally, I would have felt intimidated or even scared but this time I was not. Perhaps, this was due to the fact that I knew that he needed my help of maybe I was just tired of his shit and needed him to know what was on my mind- what was on everyone else's mind.

Dimitri quietly took the bite, chewing the food as though he was being forced to do so. I expected him to fire back at me for what I had said, but he did not. Instead he had his eyes closed and only opened his mouth when he wanted his food.

When he had eaten a little over half of the food he opened his eyes again. They were directed at me, but I could clearly see that he was lost in his thoughts.

Ignoring whatever he was dealing with, I tried to remind myself why I was there. I was not there to form a bond with him, because he did not want that himself.

I was only there because I wanted to help the others which is why I continued taking a spoonful of the food and bringing it close to his mouth, but this time he lightly shook his head instead of taking the bite.

"Shaking your head means no." I said to which he responded with a nod.

I reached for his drink and brought it to his lips. They slowly parted, allowing himself to take a few sips after which he pulled away. With the drink and plate with leftover food still in my hands, I quietly sat and waited for him to say something, anything.

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