56 | E + M

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"Everything okay? You're so quiet." Marco asked as we made our way to our hotel room after our 5 hour flight.

"Yeah, just tired."

"Sure? You were quiet before we left home. Did I do something?"

I could see how worried he was. "No, you didn't. I'm okay. Just need to rest a bit." I lied.

"Okay," he smiled. "This is us." He opened the door to a luxurious room. Rose petals formed a heart on the bed, a glass see through wall divided the bathroom and bedroom. A bottle of champagne chilled in a icy cold bucket.

"Wow, this is-"

His hands wrapped around my waist as he pressed his body against the back of mine. "I'm happy you're here with me." He planted a kiss on the side of my head.

Everything he said only made my soul drown in guilt. Just hours before we left Seattle, Dimitri and I had made each other promises. We were going to be honest about us, the secrets- everything. But, then I got to the house and walked in on Marco packing our bags with a smile plastered on his face. Before I had said as much as one word he had playfully tackled me into bed, showered me with love and presented the tickets he was overly excited about. I could not break him. So instead, I lied to him and I played Dimitri who had tried to me reach several times whilst Marco and I were on our way to the airport. He probably continued trying to reach me when we were on the plane.

"Okay, how about you make yourself at home. Check in with Tia, let them know that we're here. I'll order us room service." He spun me halfway around until I faced him.

"Okay." I said and headed into the beautiful bathroom. The tub, the sink- even the trashcan looked like it costs a fortune. I did feel deserving of all of this. Before I took my shower, I turned my phone on and clicked on the notification of the eight missed calls from Dimitri that I had ignored. I did not call back, I could not do that with Marco just on the other side of the room. I did, however text Tia to let her know that we had safely reached New York.

I stripped off my clothes and stepped in the hot shower that had already been running for a few minutes. I was in the middle of rinsing off my hair when I heard the glass door open. Marco walked in with his eyes solely focused on my nakedness, getting harder with every step he took towards me. He was quiet, letting his actions speak for him. His hands gripped into my ass, his lips crashed into mine. And as we were making out and he had moved his hand lower, in between my legs- I felt utterly disgusted with myself.

"What's wrong?" His eyebrows pinned together as he lifted up my chin.

"I'm sorry."

He turned the shower off and walked out without saying anything else. My brain was fast in thinking that he was mad only to be proven wrong when he returned with a towel which he wrapped around me. "You don't ever have to apologize for not being in the mood. I'm never going to get mad about that. I only want sex when you crave it as much as I do."

I gulped, nodded but my lips remained sealed because 'sorry' was the only word that hung at the tip of my tongue. He instructed me to wait on him as he wrapped a towel around his hips after which we sat down together to dig into the food he had ordered us.

"It's too late for dinner. So, I ordered us breakfast." He handed me a plate of thick, fluffy pancakes with fruits and bacon strips.

"Here," he said as he cut a piece of the pancake and fed it to me.

"Why aren't you eating?" I spoke with a mouthful.

"I enjoy watching you so much that I forgot about my plate." He smiled and immediately dug into his food.

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