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warnings: none?
request: @flaviaandreina
pronouns used: she/her
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d r e a m.

"SAPNAP-" george started but cut himself off when sapnap started talking to  dream

"why do you sound so i don't know.. weird?" sapnap asked, dream groaned and rubbed his face with his hands

"bro y/n, i love her and everything but rn she's being clingy. it's not always, it's just sometimes but it's still like "get off" type of clingy yk" dream ranted making george laugh a little

"dream. y/n's love language is touch? you think she's just not gonna touch you.." george said making sapnap agree

y/n and dream were sitting on the couch watching *favorite tv show*

y/n wrapped her arm around dream giving him a hug but quickly removing her arm as he yelled at her

"y/n! i'm sorry but get off of me! you're so damn clingy, it's annoying!" dream spoke making y/n tense up a little

y/n got up, "i'll go. tell drista there's more food in the refrigerator. i went grocery shopping for you since you usually forget" y/n said placing her phone in her pocket and leaving

dream was confused, why was y/n leaving? he only spoke how he felt..?

y/n hasn't really talked to dream a lot, he would check up on her but y/n would just give short answers

"hi cutie" y/n heard, it was dream talking to her cat

she groaned at his voice remembering what he said "y/n.. baby" dream pouted

"what clay." y/n spoke.. clay y/n never used his 'full name' because they made it clear that y/n would only use clay if she was upset

"clay.." he spoke under his breath "i want to apologize. i was rude and i should have said my feelings in a better way" dream said

y/n looked at his eyes then looking away "i understand i can be a little much but i need to know your boundaries with that type of stuff so i don't cross them" y/n said making dream nod

"like write them down or say them?"

𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 :
i apologize for not publishing sooner!
- i was vv busy

 𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 :i apologize for not publishing sooner! - i was vv busy

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