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─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───

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warnings: none
pronouns used: they/them
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d r e a m .


"Those crybaby tears stream down like water in a fountain.
All eyes in the world look at you.
Yelling surrounds your ears as you stand on stage while they wait for a answer
*Tick* *Tick* The clock ticks while pools of tears surround you.

The tears that once soaked your sweatshirt dried.
But you're still standing on the stage
A taunting energy is standing ahead of you
*Boom* *Boom* Heart Beating, it feels bigger than your whole body, bigger than the world.

Your hands slide together like rain on a car window
Tears stream down like no one cares, its you that wears stares
Small parts of you crumple as more words are shot at you
A faucet was turned on once again

*psh* *psh* Pouring tears spill out of your eyes
They call you crybaby, so you try and stop
You try to shut the words out like a door being slammed
Tears dry but the spot is quickly wettend by the tears
Crybaby is what you are."

clay's eye ran over the page, he always wondered what y/n thought

clay sensed frustration in the writing, he always hoped y/n was happier or maybe relieved after what they did to themselves

𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 :

- the long imagine will be published saturday!

- the long imagine will be published saturday!

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