greenway st.

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─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───

 ┌────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──────┐warnings: mentions of drugspronouns used: she/her└────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──────┘

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warnings: mentions of drugs
pronouns used: she/her
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- if you feel like a tw is needed lmk

- also we're gonna act like dream is still in high school and sapnap is in middle school same with drista

d r e a m .

GREENWAY ST. was known to be one of the dangerous places in florida (i'm making this up)

y/n lived on greenway st with her two siblings, finn and ashlynn. their parents were around but not really

their dad was addicted to drugs and their mom was a drunk. their mom tried her best to pay for everything though

clay also lived on greenway st. with his two siblings, drista and sapnap. his other siblings moved out because they didn't want to be in danger. his parents were very hard working people who wanted nothing but the best for their children

they could only afford the houses on this street for right now

clay and y/n met through school, their lockers were right next to each other. they immediately clicked. clay's house neighbored y/n's so if she was out to late to walk home alone, clay would walk her home

maybe months went by and crushes started happening then dating... clays parents were happy for him,
y/n's parents thought she was dumb for dating someone like clay

"how's finn and ashlynn?" clay asked as drista and sapnap went to go with finn and ashlynn

"okay, they keep asking why there are pills everywhere" y/n said walking into the kitchen, "do they know he's a drug addict?" clay asked

"yeah i told them when they were around 6 because they would constantly whine and ask where their dad is" she replied, clay nodded his head

he knew it was hard for y/n to basically parent her own siblings while her parents were out doing who knows

a year passed and everything for y/n's life was the same, still taking care of her siblings but clays wasn't he now lived in the 'rich' neighborhood

he sometimes was rude towards y/n but y/n quickly reminded him to be grateful

clay wants y/n's familys [only her and her siblings] to move in with him

drista and ashlynn were already really close and same for sapnap and finn

the house had extra rooms so it would work out

"mom please, they still live on greenway. it's getting more dangerous. if you don't let them stay i will rent a apartment for them. i need to know y/n and her siblings are safe" clay pleaded

"clay, yes you can move them in. just leave me alone i'm working" his mom said as his dad nodded

"y/n!" "clay? what are you doing here? it's dangerous go back to your home" y/n said as clay walked in the house

"well it's going to be your home now as well" he spoke "hey clay!" finn said picking the house up

"what do you mean?" y/n asked confused setting the rag down

"you, finn and ashlynn are moving in with my family and i" clay said, the two kids over heard and yelled out in joy

"clay no, we don't need to bother you and your family's living space. we are okay here but thank you" y/n said grabbing the rag again cleaning a plate

"i wasn't asking, i was telling. y/n you and i both know it's not safe for the kids to live here and same for you. i was here while you and them were at the store and i packed some of your things and all of the kids things" clay said

y/n nodded "you're right.. thank you clay is there anything that we can do to repay you" y/n said extremely grateful

"come home with me" clay said

𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 :
i literally made this up on the spot..

 𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 : i literally made this up on the spot

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