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d r e a m .

list of favorites:
1. patches
2. plants
3. y/n

- written by: clay

yeah.. you're number 3 on his favorite list, and yes patches is obviously better but plants?

"y/n!! time to go outside! we have to take care of the 'babys'" clay yelled walking outside

y/n sighed, he treated the plants like they were his children. he loved watching them grow and watching the colors change

clay has actually said, "y/n i don't want children... i want more plants"

who says that? clay. he does, "y/n are coming? we need to take care of them" clay whined closing the door again

"i'm here" y/n spoke shutting the door, "ahh great!" he spoke handing y/n a spray bottle with rain water

y/n's hands started to cramp up after a while, because y/n was the one who had to rub water onto the plants to make sure the leaves were safe and healthy

"did you finish?" clay asked as he finished, "uh yeah!" y/n spoke making clay smile

he stepped back, "look at our children"

"you don't want real children" y/n asked, it's not like y/n wanted children it was never an interest

"no, you don't even want one. that's why we have patches and plants! come on baby" clay said grabbing y/n's hand

he squatted down pointing out different colors on the plant telling what they mean, y/n may think clay was a bit excessive with the plants but loved how excited he was talking about them

𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 :
there will be a new theme and on the covers it will say


blah blah so yeah!!


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