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warnings: witchcraft?
pronouns used: she/her
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- witches are so cool, my mom is a witch:]

   d r e a m .

WITCHCRAFT. it wasn't a thing that clay's family supported

they thought every witch worshiped satan (read my a/n!) or they were evil and wanted nothing but the worst for everyone

clay knew y/n was witch but it wasn't like she's a bad person. he could care less about what she did as long as she was nice and respectful towards him,herself and other people he was fine

in fact clay was thinking about become more spiritual, he did his own research and listened to y/n when he asked questions

"i still can't believe you're dating that satan worshiper." clays mom said to him, "mom y/n isn't a satanist and even if she was why would that matter? it has nothing to do with her as a person." clay explained

"clay shes a witch." his mom continued, clay never understood why their family was so against witchcraft

everything y/n did was good unless something extremely extremely bad happened to her or her family.

"why are you guys so against witch craft? it isn't even that bad" he said putting something away

"my parents always told me it was bad so i always thought the same thing" the mom explained, "mom do you think if you actually had a talk with y/n about witch craft do you think your opinion would change?" clay asked, this would be the first time that his mom would be sitting in front of y/n in a while

the last time his mom talked to y/n, she just went on a rant about y/n was a bad person for clay and how y/n needs to be "normal" person

"i don't know if my opinion will change but sure i'll talk with her" clays mom said

"what if she blows up at me again?" y/n asked walking up to the door with clay, "it will be okay, i'm going to be here" he said knocking on the door

the door unlocked, "hello! and he-llo y/n" his mom said a little hesitant on the hello to y/n

as they both said, they walked in the house. clays mom took a deep breath when y/n walked in the house

"okay, mom this is y/n you know that and y/n this is mom which you already know and mom y/n is a witch"

"and what type of witch are you?" his mom asked, "well there are many different types of witches but i'm a traditional witch and my mom is a kitchen witch" y/n said

"sorry i have a paper with questions, is everyone in your personal family a witch and what does a traditional witch mean?" she asked reading a paper

y/n smiled softly at the sight, "yes everyone in my family is a witch and a traditional witch is someone who practices magick but we also do spells that were made a long ago. you have to be very careful not to do anything is a closed practice" y/n explained, "do you worship satan?"

"mom-" clay started "no it's okay, its just a question. i personally do not worship satan my brother and dad do but me and mom do not." y/n said, "are there good and bad things that come with being a witch and why did you choose to become a witch" she asked

clay smiled he never knew she had questions about this, it was weird seeing and hearing but it was nice to hear his mom not judging y/n

"i chose to become a witch well i was born into it, i was always surrounded by witchcraft growing up. me and brother were born into it and the bad and good things that come with being a witch is bad things you get judged a lot but the good things are you can connect with yourself and you can even connect with the earth." y/n explained

"those are all of my questions but i wanna apologize for the things i first said to you, you and clay are wonderful together and i should've done my own research instead of judging you" she apologized, y/n smiled at the words "thank you, i accept your apology. you seem like a very nice lady" y/n said

"would you want to get coffee or something? i want to fix what i lost on the first time i met you" she asked "of course!" y/n said, y/n put her number into clays mom phone

"that was nice" y/n said, "i'm glad you and my mom are on good terms" he said hugging y/n

𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 :

"they thought every witch worshiped satan"
- even if you do worship satan that is it up to you and that isn't a bad thing everyone has their own beliefs

"they thought every witch worshiped satan"- even if you do worship satan that is it up to you and that isn't a bad thing everyone has their own beliefs

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