personal space

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─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───

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warnings: none
pronouns used: they/them
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d r e a m .


clay was never someone who liked being around people, he wasn't someone who would party or hangout with his friends

he liked being alone, he enjoyed it.

y/n however loved being with clay, they loved doing anything with clay

shopping with clay

eating with him

breathing.. with him

it wasn't like y/n was obsessed with clay, they just struggled being away from him.

"y/n i need personal space, i love you i do. but sometimes i need alone time just like everyone else" clay spoke to y/n

they weren't upset or mad, just confused

"so.. please leave.." clay spoke sounding rude

— time skip: like 2 weeks after —

it's been quite a bit since clay and y/n last spoke, y/n respected clays wishes and left him alone

clay kept texting y/n wanting to know how they were.. in their personal space now.. odd

y/n kept posting on social media mainly instagram pictures of them with their friends, clay saw these pictures. he wasn't angry but jealous sort of

y/n ignores him but goes out with their friends?

- texts -
- why are you ignoring me?
- how are you?
- y/n
- y/n
- y/n??
- i find it a bit rude you go out but ignore me
- did i upset you

y/n saw all these texts just responded with a simple "im fine"

clay became frustrated, he wanted personal space but not for this long

"why are you ignoring me?"

"why are you at my house?" y/n asked into clays eyes

clay moved his way into y/n's house, "i've wanted personal space but not this much. this much is just annoying" clay spoke with a frustrated tone

a smile washed up onto y/n's face, the day has finally came.

clay always has complained about y/n being so close to him, but now he's the one who wants them to be close.

"wait are you saying you like me being in your personal space?"

clay sighed, "i guess BUT-"

y/n hugged clay, "you have no idea how long i've waited to hear you say those words to me!"

𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 :

- hii


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