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- listen to the song up top, it's by treasure !
song : orange - treasure

^ song isn't about oranges lol

d r e a m .


clay and y/n's home had a very calming energy.

it was filled with plants and blankets + the things they liked

everyday they added more things, todays thing was oranges on strings

they cut the orange thinly and slide the tray filled with oranges inside the oven. the smell of oranges filled the air, as the oranges were drying the couple listened to music while planning their meals for the week

"are they finished?"

y/n looked inside the oven to see the oranges fully dry "yep!"

"ah it looks so nice, we should make them with lemons!" clay spoke looking at the orange garland

"i'll add lemons to our list"

"do you want to go to the farmers market friday, saturday or sunday?" y/n asked

"friday and saturday" clay spoke turning around now looking at y/n, y/n nodded writing it down

"i was thinking for friday we could eat cucumber salad and *favorite food*?"

"oo yeah! that's always good!" clay spoke happily

"can we make banana milk and strawberry milk? and can we make *favorite dessert*?" clay asked looking in the fridge

"almond milk or just regular milk?"

"strawberry, almond and banana, regular" clay said closing the fridge

"y/n can we get more flowers?" clay spoke looking at the flowers that laid in front of an old man

"sure! we can put them in the vases"

clay ran over to the tent with the flowers, "i would like the purple bouquet and the white bouquet oh and the pink bouquet"

"$8.60 p-please" the old man spoke out shaky, clay handed him a $20 "please keep the change, have a nice day"

"oh thank you, thank you!" the old man thanked, clay smiled nicely and walked away showing y/n all of the flowers

"which salmon should we get?" y/n asked clay knowing he's better at it

"can we get 2 kg of this salmon?" clay asked pointing at the package


"wait- y/n? did we forget cucumbers?" clay asked, "they're in your hand" y/n smiled

"ohh i forgot, i'll leave them out so we can cut them up"

   𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 : hello , hope everyone is doing well!

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   𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 :
hello , hope everyone is doing well!

please look at my message board (:

please look at my message board (:

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