dyed green

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─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───

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pronouns used: they/them
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d r e a m .

TODAY WAS clay's birthday (not actually in irl) and when y/n asked "what do you want for your birthday?"

his 'great' response was "i want your hair to be green, like a darkish green"

clay and y/n were at the store trying to find either dye [ or hair wax ].

y/n held up a container showing clay the shade of green, "no too light."

he's so picky

"this one!" clay spoke, putting the green hair dye [ or hair wax ] into the cart

"place into dry hair [ or wet hair ] and massage into scalp" y/n read to themselves, "are you done yet?" clay whined

"i just walked into the bathroom" y/n chuckled, "hurry!! it's my birthday, i'm the birthday boy y/n!" clay spoke making y/n smile

after they let that set for around 15-20 minutes. "wash out [ or let set longer ]" y/n spoke, it took a few minutes but y/n finally finished

"Y/N ARE YOU DONEEE???" clay whined walking into the bathroom with his hands over his eyes so he doesn't see

"mmm yeah i finished!" y/n said moving their hair around looking in the mirror

clay's face gained a huge smile when he saw his significant other, "you look so good!" he praised

"i love it!" clay said kissing the top of y/n head, "for my birthday i want you to dye your hair [ favorite color ]" y/n said smiling

"eh i guess that could work, as long as your dye it though" he spoke

"happy birthday clay"

"thank you, but seriously it looks really good!"

𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 :
hi !


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